Asynchronous and Interactive Operations

Be aware that Beacon is an asynchronous payload. Commands do not execute right away. Each command goes into a queue. When the Beacon checks in (connects to you), it will download these commands and execute them one by one. At this time, Beacon will also report any output it has for you. If you make a mistake, use the clear command to clear the command queue for the current Beacon.

By default, Beacons check in every sixty seconds. You may change this with Beacon’s sleep command. Use sleep followed by a time in seconds to specify how often Beacon should check in. You may also specify a second number between 0 and 99. This number is a jitter factor. Beacon will vary each of its check in times by the random percentage you specify as a jitter factor. For example, sleep 300 20, will force Beacon to sleep for 300 seconds with a 20% jitter percentage. This means, Beacon will sleep for a random value between 240s to 300s after each check-in.

To make a Beacon check in multiple times each second, try sleep 0. This is interactive mode. In this mode commands will execute right away. You must make your Beacon interactive before you tunnel traffic through it. A few Beacon commands (e.g., browserpivot, desktop, etc.) will automatically put Beacon into interactive mode at the next check in.


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