Upload and Download Files
download - This command downloads the requested file. You do not need to provide quotes around a filename with spaces in it. Beacon is built for low and slow exfiltration of data. During each check-in, Beacon will download a fixed chunk of each file its tasked to get. The size of this chunk depends on Beacon’s current data channel. The HTTP and HTTPS channels pull data in 512KB chunks.
downloads - Use to see a list of file downloads in progress for the current Beacon.
cancel - Issue this command, followed by a filename, to cancel a download that’s in progress. You may use wildcards with your cancel command to cancel multiple file downloads at once.
upload - This command uploads a file to the host.
timestomp - When you upload a file, you will sometimes want to update its timestamps to make it blend in with other files in the same folder. This command will do this. The timestomp command matches the Modified, Accessed, and Created times of one file to another file.
Go to View -> Downloads in Cobalt Strike to see the files that your team has downloaded so far. Only completed downloads show up in this tab.
Downloaded files are stored on the team server. To bring files back to your system, highlight them here, and press Sync Files. Cobalt Strike then downloads the selected files to a folder of your choosing on your system.