
Each of the Rapid Penetration Tests provides rich reports that can be used to consolidate, view and distribute your test findings as well as to plan ongoing prevention and remediation efforts. Reporting options are similar for each RPT and several reports are available for multiple RPTs.


For any report that consolidates data for more than one workspace, unique IP addresses and unique email addresses are treated differently for data summaries. For example, if the same IP address is discovered in 3 different workspaces, the report's Summary of Discovered Hosts will show a count of 3 hosts. Alternatively, if the same email address is reported in 3 different workspaces, the report's Summary of Targeted Users will show a count of 1 email address.

Types of Reports

  • Crystal Report: This option uses SAP Crystal Reports as the engine to generate report data. Jump to Running Crystal Reports. Some reports are available only as Crystal Reports.
  • Spreadsheet: Some Core Impact reports use Excel as the reporting engine. Check only the Spreadsheet checkbox to see which reports qualify. Jump to Running Spreadsheet Reports.
  • User Spreadsheet: Any report that is available as a Spreadsheet report can be modified and customized to suit your specific business requirements. Once a report has been customized, it will be listed in the User Spreadsheet category. Jump to Creating User Spreadsheet Reports.

List of Available Reports