Client Side Information Gathering

Using the Client-side Information Gathering wizard, you can harvest email addresses that are visible from the Internet or your intranet. Harvesting email addresses from your registered domain in the Internet gives you a good idea of your end-users' exposure to identification by external attackers. For example, email addresses of your employees can be collected by attackers externally through company press releases, trade show presentations, news articles, professional organizations, company web pages, and other public domain. The Client-side Information Gathering modules will also look for downloadable documents and search within them for email addresses. The Client-Side Information Gathering wizard also supports importing multiple email address targets from a text file or you can skip this step and manually enter email addresses into the Entity Database's Client Side view (see Client Side View).

To begin the Client-side Information Gathering:

  1. Ensure that the Client-side RPT is activated.

  2. Click Client-side Information Gathering to open the wizard and press Next to start.

  3. The first step of the Wizard is the Email Address Gathering form. This form determines what resources Core Impact should leverage to locate and add email addresses to its entity database. You can select more than one option and each option will have further configurations in subsequent steps of the wizard.
    • Crawl Web Site: Core Impact can search within a specific web site to explore for email addresses or documents.

      You must select Crawl Web Site if you want the Information Gathering step to search for documents. With this option selected, subsequent steps in the wizard will allow you to specify how the documents are handled and analyzed.

    • Search Engines: Use common search engines to locate email addresses in public on-line records. An attacker might use the exact same method to locate target email addresses.
    • LinkedIn: Select this option to have Core Impact search through the web site to locate users for a specific company.
    • PGP, DNS and WHOIS server entries: Use Public Internet Databases to locate email addresses.
    • Import from a file: Select this option if you have a local file that contains your target email addresses.

    Email Address Gathering Form 

Below please find the configuration settings for each of the available options:

When you have reached the end of your configurations, click the Finish button. The Wizard will close and the Client-side Information Gathering module will begin. You will be able to see its progress in the Executed Modules pane. Once completed, the Module Output pane will display the step's findings. Click to the Client Side tab of the Entity View to see the new email addresses that were found by the module (see Client Side View for more information).