Find Information in Fortra VM
Fortra VM gives you a number of ways to find vulnerability information related to your environment. There are context-sensitive search, filter, and show options that return results based on the page visited.
Select the search button to display the search bar. The search bar returns results based on the page you are currently on. For example, if you search on the Active View > Vulnerabilities page, your results include vulnerability data.
Remember the following when using the search bar:
- Search is not case-sensitive
- Searches with spaces should use double quotes (for example, "Windows 10")
Select the filter button to filter information the following ways:
Quick filter by label: You can filter by system-generated and user-generated labels.
New filter: You can create a new filter by selecting the Column list, and then selecting the desired criteria. After making your selections, select the Save icon and then select Add.
Select the show button to display some of the following types of information depending on the page visited:
Show hidden
Show acceptable risk
Show fixed