Connecting to a server

Generally, if you are not already connected when you open the Administrator Interface, the Connect to FTP Server dialog box will open automatically. If you see an error when you try to connect, you will need to start the Server Engine service.


To connect to a local server

You will probably want to begin server administration on the computer where the server is installed (local server).


  1. Open the Administrator Interface.

  2. In the left pane, select the server you want to connect to (It is possible to manage more than one server engine from the same Administrator Interface should you have purchased multiple server licenses).

  3. On the menu bar, choose File > Connect to FTP Server.  The Connect to FTP Server dialog box appears.

  4. Enter your administrator Username* if it wasn't entered automatically.

  5. Enter your Password*.

  6. Select Local Host.

  7. Click Connect.

*You created the administrator username and password during CuteFTP Server installation.


To connect to a remote server

Before you can connect to a remote server, make sure you have configured the server to be remotely administered.


  1. Open the Administrator Interface.

  2. In the left pane, select the server where you want to connect.

  3. On the menu bar, choose File > Connect to FTP Server.  The Connect to FTP Server dialog box appears.

  4. Enter your administrator Username if it wasn't entered automatically.

  5. Enter your Password.

  6. Select Remote Host.

  7. In Host, enter the IP address for the remote server.

  8. In Port, enter the Port number for the remote server.

  9. Click Connect.


To start the Transfer Engine service
  1. On the menu bar, choose Edit > Service Applet Settings. The Transfer Engine Service Settings window appears.

  2. Click Start service. It may take several seconds for the service to start.

  3. When Start service turns gray, click Close. You can now connect to the server.



If Install service is the only button enabled in the Transfer Engine Service Settings window, click Install service, then you should be able to click Start service.


Related Topics

Administration overview

Starting the Administrator Interface

Setting up remote administration