User Setting levels are contained within a Site. They represent a group of settings. Setting Levels are a powerful way of designating Users to a set of pre-defined settings. One Setting Level may by quite restrictive, while another may be quite liberal. Power users would be assigned to the more liberal level while guest users would be assigned to the more restrictive level.
Note that User Setting levels differ from permission Groups, which control access to folders on your system.
The server ships with one User Setting Level named Default Settings. You can add one or multiple User Setting Levels.
To create new user setting levels;
At the bottom of the left pane, click the Server tab.
Expand a Server Group, Server, and Site.
Select User Setting Levels.
Click the New button.
All Users must be placed in a User Setting Level when they are first created. Initially, Users inherit all settings from the User Setting Level they reside in. When you click on the user, inherited settings are marked by gray check boxes.
You can change a User’s Setting level by dragging and dropping them into a new level. The User's inherited settings will reflect the settings of their new User Setting Level.
You may override a User’s inherited settings
in each check box by rotating through a gray check , black
, or no check
A gray check box means the settings are inherited from the User Setting
A black check means the administrator has overridden this inherited
setting. This setting is enabled
for the user even though it may be disabled in the User Setting Level.
No check means the administrator has overridden this inherited
option. This setting is disabled
for the User, even though it is enabled in the User Setting Level.
If a User contains modified (overridden) settings and is moved to a new User Setting level, those settings not marked by a gray check mark will not inherit settings from the new User Setting Level.