Logging the server on as a service

Windows NT

  1. Go to Administrative Tools > User Manager in your Windows NT operating system.

  2. From the menu bar, select Policies > User Rights. The User Rights Policy dialog will appear.

  3. Select the Show Advanced User Rights check box at the bottom of the dialog.

  4. Select Log on as a service from the drop-down box.

  1. Click Add. The Add Users and Groups dialog will appear.

  2. Make sure that the drop-down list at the top of this dialog has your own computer selected. Click Show Users and select FTPServer from the list

  3. Click Add.

  4. Click OK in both dialogs.


Windows 2000

Note The "logon as a service" right is automatically granted in Windows 2000, 2003 and XP Professional. To manually select it:

  1. Go to Start Menu > Settings > Control Panel> Local Security Settings

  2. Navigate to Security settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment

  3. Double-click on "logon as a service" under the policy column on the right side of the window

  4. Click Add... and then select the new user you just added (FTPServer) and click OK twice.


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Assign the server service to an NT Account

Create an NT account for the server