Allowing Users to Verify File Integrity (XCRC)

Although TCP/IP checks that all packets are received, malformed packets or other mishaps can occur, leading the client to believe that a transfer was successful when it was not.

EFT Server's file integrity command is defined as XCRC. Once an XCRC-enabled client performs a transfer, it can request EFT Server to do a checksum calculation on the file. If it matches the checksum on the client, then the transfer is deemed successful. Performing XCRC checksum calculations is processor intensive; enable or disable the feature accordingly.

XCRC is a proprietary command and is not defined nor endorsed by any FTP-related RFC. Competing servers who want to implement this command may do so using the syntax described below.

XCRC <File Name>

XCRC <File Name>, <EP>

XCRC <File Name>, <SP>, <EP>

SP = Starting Point in bytes (from where to start CRC calculating)

EP = Ending Point in bytes (where to stop CRC calculating)

FTP Client Log Example

COMMAND:> XCRC "/Program Files/MSN Gaming Zone/Windows/chkrzm.exe" 0 42575

Server Reply


250 <XCRC>

calculated CRC value

450 Requested file action not taken

file is busy

550 Requested action not taken

file is not found or has no read permission; or the SP or EP are not correct

To enable file integrity (XCRC) checking

  1. In EFT Administrator, connect to EFT Server and click the Server tab.

  2. In the left pane, click the user or User Setting Level (Allows you to apply a setting configuration to an entire group of users. Every client account or user must be a member of a User Setting Level. User Setting Levels exist within a Site and consist of a group of settings used as a template. AKA Settings Level) that you want to configure.

  3. In the right pane, click the Security tab.

  4. Select the Allow XCRC command check box to enable XCRC file integrity checking.

  5. Click Apply to save the changes on EFT Server.