Editing the Number of Files Displayed

By default, the Web Transfer Client (WTC) is designed to automatically filter the file list and display only the first 499 files and folders. Once that limit is reached, the WTC will prompt the user to use the FILTER feature to find the files that they want.

Limiting the file list to 499 files helps avoid performance issues when browsing folders that contain very large numbers of files and folders. Depending upon the size of the folder and the capabilities of the computer running the browser, performance of the system can degrade significantly.

This procedure is for advanced users only. Incorrectly editing the registry can severely damage your system. You should always back up (export a copy of) the registry before you make any changes to it. Refer to Windows Registry Settings for details.

To change the threshold at which this automatic filtering is enforced (i.e., the number of files and folders that can be displayed

  1. On the EFT Server computer, download and extract the files from increase-wtc-filter-threshold.zip. The zip file contains these instructions, Calendar.js, and increase-wtc-filter-threshold.reg.

  2. Copy Calendar.js into a subfolder of the EFT Server installation folder named EFTClient. (e.g., C:\Program Files\GlobalSCAPE\EFT\EFTClient)

  3. Open your copy of Calendar.js in a text editor (such as Notepad).

  4. At the bottom of the file, edit the script that overrides the default behavior, shown below, to change the value of "5000" to the number that is appropriate for your file systems and browser computer performance capabilities.

  5. MAX_FILES_IN_PANE = 5000;

    (The Web Client default is 500; this setting is 10 times the default.)

  6. Open increase-wtc-filter-threshold.reg in a text editor.

  7. Modify the value of the path (to the right of the equals ("=") sign) so that it matches the physical path to the file Calendar.js that you saved in step #2, above. Be sure that all backslashes ("\") in the physical path reference are saved as two backslashes ("\\") in the file.

  8. Stop the GlobalSCAPE EFT Server service.

  9. Double click increase-wtc-filter-threshold.reg that you edited to merge the value into the EFT Server computer's registry.

  10. Start the GlobalSCAPE EFT Server service.

  11. Validate the changes by opening a browser and navigating to the HTTP/S service of the EFT Server and use the Web Transfer Client.