Windows Registry Settings

EFT Server stores its configuration information in the Windows Registry, which contains profiles for each user of the computer and information about system hardware, installed programs, and property settings. EFT Server modifies the system registry as needed, and continually references this information during operation.

To add a key to the registry, you can either edit it directly or create and execute a .reg file. When you add or edit these registry keys, you will need to restart EFT Server.

These options are for advanced users only. Incorrectly editing the registry can severely damage your system. You should always back up (export a copy of) the registry before you make any changes to it.

Certain keys below should be created in the EFT Server 3.0 folder, and others in the EFT Server 4.0 folder. Do NOT change the path to match your version of EFT Server.

The registry keys described below are available in EFT Server for advanced system administration.

To backup the registry

  1. Click Start > Run. The Run dialog box appears.

  2. In the Open box, type regedit, then press ENTER. The Registry Editor appears.

  3. Do one of the following:

  4. On the main menu, click File > Export. The Export Registry File dialog box appears.

  5. Specify a name and location for the file, then click Save. The export process begins.

  6. If you are exporting the entire registry, it can take a few minutes, and the file size can be up to 100 MB or more. If you are exporting just one key, the file size is approximately 1 KB.

  7. After you edit the registry, if you are experiencing problems caused by editing the registry, you can import the backed up file:

    1. On the main menu, click File > Import. The Import Registry File dialog box appears.

    2. Click the .reg file to import, then click Open. The import process begins. If you are importing the entire registry, it can take a few minutes.

To create a .reg file

  1. In a text editor, such as Notepad, type or paste the following text on the first line:

  2. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

  3. On the second line, type or paste the key path. For example, type:

  4. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 4.0\EventRules]

    (include brackets)

  5. On the third line, type or paste the name of the key and the value (DWORD) for the key. For example, type:

  6. "FolderMonitorWorkerThreadCount"=dword:00000100

    (include quotation marks)

  7. Close the file and save it with a .reg extension. For example, type:

  8. threadcount.reg

  9. Double-click the file and follow the prompts to install the key into the registry. If you receive an error, open the file to verify the information was typed correctly. The .reg file can be transported to and used on other computers.

To create the key manually

  1. Click Start > Run. The Run dialog box appears.

  2. In the Open box, type regedit, then press ENTER. The Registry Editor appears.

  3. Expand the My Computer node, the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE node, and the SOFTWARE node to find the GlobalSCAPE nodes.

  4. Click the applicable GlobalSCAPE node (as described below), then right-click it, point to New, then click Key. This makes a new folder under the GlobalSCAPE node.

  5. Type a name for the key based on the instructions below, then press ENTER.

  6. Right-click the key, point to New, then click DWORD Value.

  7. Type a name for the DWORD value based on the instructions below, then press ENTER.

  8. Double-click the DWORD. The Edit DWORD Value dialog box appears.

  9. In the Value data box, type an integer (based on the instructions below), then click OK.

  10. Close the registry, then restart the Server service.

Some of the keys below should be created in the EFT Server 3.0 folder, and some should be created in the EFT Server 4.0 folder. Do NOT change the path to match your version of EFT Server.

Specify Location of FTP.CFG

In EFT Server 4.0.8 and later, you can create a registry key to override the location of the FTP.CFG file. When this key is present, the FTP.CFG is loaded from the specified path instead of the default, which is the folder hosting the executable. This feature was added to help with multiple nodes using the same configuration, such as active/passive configurations.



For example, If you want EFT Server to use the CFG file at G:\Configs\EFT\FTP.cfg, you would create the following registry value:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 4.0\Config\Path="G:\Configs\EFT\"

Include the trailing backslash. UNC paths can be used as well. The Server service must be run under an account that has access (NTFS) to the specified resource. (For instance, if it is logging in as LocalSystem and the CFG file is not saved to the shared drive.)

Kill EAS Service on Startup

If this registry key is present and set to "1", EFT Server will find and kill any EASServer.exe processes.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 4.0\


Changing the Number of Concurrent Threads Used by Event Rules

The Event Rule Monitor Folder process is limited to 3 concurrent threads by default. This means that if you have 5 Folder Monitor Event Rules monitoring the same folder, and a file is added to the monitored folder, only 3 of the 5 Rules will fire, as determined by the operating system. The 4th and then 5th Rule execute only when one or more of the first three threads are done firing and executing any actions. If you have, for example, 100 concurrent Monitor Folder Event Rules, they are not all triggered simultaneously.

To override the default, create the following key:

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 4.0\EventRules\FolderMonitorWorkerThreadCount"

(DWORD: the number of allowed concurrent threads)

Enable Alternative Permission Logic

This registry key determines whether EFT Server checks for the "Delete" permission when a client uploads a file.  

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 4.0\Config\UplReqDel"

(DWORD: if non-zero value, EFT Server checks if client has Delete permission.)

Web Transfer Client Registry Overrides

You can override the hard-coded location of the Web Transfer Client files by settings some registry values to indicate the new location of the files you would like to use. The registry key indicates the specific file used by the Web Transfer Client, and the value of the key indicates the full file path to use for the file.

To use this key, set use_registry dword to 1 (same path).












You can add each of the keys you need to a .reg file in the following format:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



"http-applet:/EFTClient/EFTWebClient.htm"="C:\\Program Files\\GlobalSCAPE\\EFT\\EFTClient\\EFTWebClient.htm"


Less commonly used Web Transfer Client Registry Overrides:












Other Registry Overrides:


EFT Server Transfer Engine Stub

 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\TED 6\Settings\Connection]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\TED 6\Settings\Transfer]


Setting 2 is PASV mode; setting 0 is PORT mode

Reverse Banned File Logic

On the Advanced tab for a Site, you can block  the upload or download of certain file types. The key below reverses that "banned file logic" from the current "By default allow all files except those below:" to "By default exclude all files except those below:” That is, a REVERSAL of the current logic, The reversed logic filters out ALL by default, and only allows in those that the administrator specifies. (For example, if you want to allow only .txt files.)

To activate this feature, create the following key:

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 3.0\RestrictionByFileNameOnUpload"

(DWORD; non-zero means reverse the logic for banned files [exclude all except those listed])

HTTP->HTTPS Redirection

In EFT Server 5.1 and later, if you have installed the HS-PCI module, you can redirect HTTP connections to HTTPS on the Connection Options tab of the Site. The HTTP engine listens to a specified port (default 80) even when OFF; all traffic is redirected to the HTTPS port on the same host (using HTTP header), by responding with a redirect.

To activate this feature prior to version 5.1 or if your HS-PCI module has expired, create the following key:

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 3.0\RedirectHTTPtoHTTPS"

(DWORD; non-zero means all traffic coming to HTTP port will be redirected to HTTPS port using HTTP protocol (header redirection).  

The HTTP port will be LISTENING even if the check box is OFF for that protocol, including through DMZ Gateway.

The connecting client might receive the 302 status/error code, which means the connection was moved.

Upload Throttling

The keys below can be used to prevent a connected client from uploading more than <n> files in <t> seconds.

To activate this feature, create the following keys:

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 4.0\Config\UploadsPerClient"

(DWORD; this is the count of uploads allowed in the period)

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 4.0\Config\UploadsPerClientInterval"

(DWORD; this is the interval period, in seconds)

ODBC Auth Manager

This key only applies to external ODBC user authentication databases to allow for the "Settings Level" column in the database to specify into which settings level a user is placed for new user creation and any synchronization to move a User Setting Level (and home folder) when changed in the database. Refer to Creating Tables for you ODBC Data Source for details of the database tables. A SQL script is provided that will create the necessary tables.

To activate this feature, create the following key:

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 3.0\EnableODBCSettingsLevelField"

(DWORD; non-zero to enable the feature)

Maintain Password History for "Change Password" Validation

In EFT Server 5.1 and later, you can set the password history in EFT Administrator. Remembering the last <n> passwords is also configurable in the registry. This registry setting is available only with "GlobalSCAPE Authentication" and the password type must be "Standard" (Regular).

To activate this feature in versions prior to 5.1, create the following key:

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 3.0\PasswordHistoryLimit"

(DWORD; 0 means no history)

Legacy SMTP Send Behavior

This key is used for communicating with legacy SMTP servers that do not support RFC 1652 or if having trouble sending messages through your existing SMTP server.

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 4.0\LegacySMTPSendBehavior"

(DWORD; non-zero to enable the feature)

HTTP Engine Use Server Time Zone

In EFT Server version 5 and later, you can create/edit this registry key to alter the behavior of the HTTP/S engine's directory listing format. By default, files and folders are displayed using UTC; however, if this registry value is present and non-zero, we use the Server's time zone for file/folder listings in the HTTP/S engine.

0 - use UTC file times

!0 - use Server time zone for file times

 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 4.0\


Folder Monitor Change Filter Override

In EFT Server version 5.1.1 and later, you can create/edit a registry key to set the "dwFilter" parameter that is passed into the function "ReadDirectoryChangesW()", which is the core of the Folder Monitor feature.

 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 4.0\EventRules


The default value is:


(This is a value of 0x7D)

This override is used to "quiet" folder monitor event dispatching; for example, if only looking for NEW files added to the folder, then exclude the "FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_ACCESS" set.

Redirect Custom Command Output to Connected FTP Clients

In EFT Server version 5.1.1 and later, you can create/edit a registry location to cause the output of an Event Rule-executed custom command (when "redirect output to client" is on) to be sent back over the FTP command channel. This option is disabled by default (which is legacy behavior), but setting this DWORD registry value to a non-zero integer will result in this behavior. The Event Rule must be executed SYNCHRONOUSLY for the output to be redirected to the client, so you should ensure at least one IF FAILED Action is defined to force synchronous operation.

 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 3.0\


Disable COMB Command

In EFT Server 5.1.1 and later, to avoid problems with multipart uploads causing multiple file upload events, you can create/edit a registry location to disable the COMB command on the Server. Restricting transfers to one-part uploads will result in slower transfers, but will greatly reduce headaches when you want to process uploaded files, because a file upload success is the entire file. This option is disabled by default (legacy behavior), but setting this DWORD registry value to a non-zero integer causes COMB to be disallowed and not shown in the response to FEAT.

 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 3.0\



ClientFTP.DLL Enable Logging Override

After a transfer is complete, EFT Server will remove log files. Starting with EFT5.1, you can create/edit a registry location to cause the ClientFTP.DLL engine to retain the client log files.

To activate this feature, create the following key:

 "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\TED 6\EnableLogging"


Set the DWORD value to "1" to retain log files. The log files appear in the same LOGS folder that the "cl" log files appear, in the file name format of "[07.11.30_12.11]-#000004.log".

Other values under the Settings\LogWindows key may need to be tweaked to ensure that logs are enabled and not being deleted.

Most importantly, the following values need to be set to 0 to prevent logs from being automatically deleted:

You might also want to edit the following settings:

The settings below illustrate possible settings to enable logging, timestamps, and raw directory listings.














Ignore Active Directory Home Directories

(This feature was added in version EFT 5.1.6 and is not backwards compatible.) This registry key is used to allow EFT Server to ignore Active Directory (AD) home directories; that is, you do not want EFT Server to create virtual directories that point to the AD home directories.

Using this key, if you set the IgnoreADHomeDirs registry DWORD value to 1, when AD users log in to the Server, rather than the Server creating a virtual folder that links to the user's AD-defined folder, a folder is created under the Server root directory using the user's login name (assuming you have selected the Automatically create a home folder for newly added users check box when you created the Site). Refer to Creating a Site that Uses NT Authentication for details, if necessary.

This value only affects a new Site. Before creating the AD Site, set the registry DWORD value, then restart the EFT Server service. You must specify an AD Group when you create the Site. If the Site is already created, you can specify the Group in the Authentication Options dialog box.

To activate this feature, create the following key:

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 3.0\IgnoreADHomeDirs"

(DWORD; 1 to enable, 0 (default) to disable)

More information:

Suppose you want to create home folders that follow a specific sequence other than the user's login name, such as user first name underscore last name, e.g. John_Smith. You would first set the IgnoreADHomeDirs registry value (so that the virtual folder pointers are not created), then after creating a Site and pulling in your AD users, you could use EFT Server's COM API to quickly scan and assign each user to a home folder using the naming convention/pattern desired. Of course, you would want to automate the script and run it regularly to query for newly added users that have not yet been assigned a home folder; otherwise, when they log in, they will be assigned the default folder based on their login name. If the Automatically create a home folder for newly added users check box is not selected, and a user attempts to login before you have assigned them a folder (either through COM or manually), the user will not be able to list or see any directories (sort of in limbo). So regularly running the script (or ensuring you manually create the folder every time a user is added) is critical.

Enable Oracle

(EFT Server 5.1.7 and later) This key only applies if you are using an Oracle auditlogger.dll provided by GlobalSCAPE. With this key enabled, if the Server uses an Oracle database, you can upgrade to future releases by installing your custom auditlogger.dll in the Server installation directory.

To activate this feature, create the following key:


(DWORD; if the key does not exist or is 0 = MSSQL; 1 = Oracle

Buffered CFG Writes

(In EFT Server 5.1.7 and later) The writing of the configuration (cfg) file to EFT Server occurs 1 byte at a time. This key enables the Server to write the file in "chunks" instead of 1 byte at a time. If you are experiencing long delays when applying changes to the Server, try enabling this key to improve response time.

To activate this feature, create the following key:

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 4.0\UseBufferedArchiveWriter"

(DWORD; 1 to enable, 0 or does not exist (default) to disable)

Sending EFT Server Logs to the Windows Application Event Log

(In EFT Server 5.2.6 and later; This is not recommended, but was a special request from a customer.) This registry setting sends EFT Server's log to the Windows Application Event Log.  (As of v5.2.11, this key applies to both the .ex and the .cl logs.)

To activate this feature, create the following key:



(DWORD; 1 to enable, 0 or does not exist (default) to disable)

Pass the Client's IP Address to the Authentication Request

(In EFT Server 5.2.6 and later; This is not recommended, but was a special request from a customer with a unique configuration. This is not a standard part of the LDAP protocol.) With this registry setting, EFT Server alters the password that is sent to LDAP (during the BIND request) to take on the form <client IP>@@<password>.

To activate this feature, create the following key:



(DWORD; 1 to enable, 0 or does not exist (default) to disable)

Override Outbound on Listen IP

In EFT Server 5.2.11 and earlier, if an outbound event was scheduled, EFT Server would use the first IP address in the system's IP address list rather than the listening IP address for the site. This behavior was changed in EFT Server 5.2.12 so that EFT Server now uses the listening IP address. In recognition that this could adversely affect some of our customers, we added a registry setting to revert to the old behavior.

To return to the legacy behavior, create the following key:



(DWORD; 1 to enable, 0 or does not exist (default) to disable)



Related Topics

System Requirements for EFT Server

Best Practices for Configuration and Validation

EFT Server and Microsoft Clustering Services

Upgrading EFT Server

Installing EFT Server and Administrator

Activating the Software

Setting Windows System Services

Running EFT Server and Microsoft IIS on the Same Computer

EFT Server in the Windows Event Viewer

Registrations, Licenses, End-User Agreement