EFT Server Web Services

EFT Server Web Services allows you to initiate EFT Server workflow from an external application such as an enterprise scheduler. The EFTWebService interface follows the model of ASP.NET Web services, providing a page for the services definition document (WSDL) and an HTML form that can be used to test available service methods. Access to Web Services requires authentication with a COM-enabled EFT Server Administrator account; without proper authentication and COM privileges, EFT Server returns a 401 Unauthorized HTTP error to the requestor.

Requests to any /WebService URL is logged to the text log and ARM database just as any other HTTP request. A request that does not match the /WebService/InvokeEventRule URL or that does not include the required parameters, results in a 400 Bad Request HTTP error.

The /WebService page displays a list of Web services available with EFT Server. This page is generated from an HTML page in the EFT Server installation folder, in a subfolder called WebServices.

By default, the following files are installed in C:\Program Files\GlobalSCAPE\EFT\EFTClient\WebServices:

EFT Server uses a template for the WSDL to construct the final WSDL. External tools can use the WSDL by pointing to the URL that deploys the WSDL file at

http://localhost/WebService/InvokeEventRule?wsdl, where "localhost" is the IP address, computer name, or DNS name that points to the EFT Server Service that is hosting the web service.

How EFT Server Supports Web Services

EFT Server supports both POST and GET HTTP requests to “/WebService/InvokeEventRule” with two parameters “EventRuleName” and “EventParams” and triggers an Event Rule that is specified in the "EventName" as a synchronous operation. Web Services supports the REST invocation model, supporting both POST and GET methods for invocation.

  1. If an input is missing any of “EventRuleName” or “EventParams” it returns an HTTP 400 error.

  2. If both “EventRuleName” and “EventParams” are presented but:

    1. “EventRuleName” is wrong (no Event Rule exists with such name), it returns .xml with result code of -1.

    2. “EventParams” are incorrect (wrong variable names, too many, too few), EFT Server looks for Rule variables in the input and replaces those values with found ones. All additional variables are ignored. If a Rule variable is not found in URL then it will be set to “N/A”. The result code in .xml will be the event execution result code.

Requests to any /WebService URL is logged to the text log and ARM Auditing and Reporting Module; captures the transactions passing through EFT Server and provides an interface in EFT Administrator where you can use preconfigured or your own custom reports to query, filter, and view transaction data. systems as is any other HTTP request.


The following is a sample HTTP GET request and response. Replace the placeholders with actual values.

GET /WebService/InvokeEventRule?EventRuleName=string&EventParams=string HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <int xmlns="http://mydomain/ ">int</int>


The following is a sample HTTP POST request and response. Replace the placeholders with actual values.

POST /WebService/InvokeEventRule HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: length E ventRuleName=string&EventParams=string

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <int xmlns="http://mudomain/ ">int</int>

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Executing Event Rules Using Web Services