Viewing and Changing Key Pair Path Settings

The default key pair path settings can be viewed and edited in the OpenPGP Settings dialog box.

To view the OpenPGP Settings

  1. Open the OpenPGP Keyring dialog box.

  2. Click the key you want to view, then click Settings. The OpenPGP Settings dialog box appears.

    The Public and Private keyring file paths appear.

To change Key Path settings

  1. In the OpenPGP Settings dialog box, click the open icon . The Choose Public Keyring File dialog box appears.

  1. Click the key ring file to be changed, then click Open.

  2. When key paths are changed, the key list is automatically refreshed.

  1. Click OK to close the OpenPGP Settings dialog box, then click Close on the OpenPGP Keyring dialog box.

Related Topics

OpenPGP and EFT Server

Creating Key Pairs for OpenPGP

OpenPGP Key Ring Manager

Deleting Key Pairs for OpenPGP

Importing and Exporting Key Pairs for OpenPGP