Alternative Method for Creating EFT Server Database Tables on SQL Server

Administrators that prefer using command-line tools can use oSQL to create the auditing database and tables. A brief overview is provided below. Detailed instructions are outside the scope of this documentation; refer to your SQL Server documentation.

Gather the following information prior to calling the oSQL command line tool:

  1. The SQL Server Host Name or address.

  2. The authentication scheme. You will need to know the authentication mechanism allowed on that SQL Server. It may be Windows Authentication only, Windows Authentication, or SQL Server Authentication.

  3. The allowed connection protocols. This can be Named Pipes, which is required for Windows Authentication or TCP/IP, which is used by the SQL Server Authentication.

  4. The PORT, if TCP/IP. If TCP/IP is the connection of choice, you need to know the port on which the SQL Server is listening for connections. The default port is 1433. It also supports a way that a client can dynamically determine the port, but this requires that the SQL Server have UDP port 1434 accessible by remote computers. If this port is blocked by a firewall, you will NOT be able to use the "dynamically determine port" feature. Typically, SQL Server installations use the default port 1433 (TCP) for connections.

If you are not using the MSDE database, and you are upgrading from a version of EFT Server prior to 5.1, you should perform the procedure below using the file PCI_DB_Tables.sql installed in the EFT Server installation directory (by default, C:\Program Files\GlobalSCAPE\EFT). Refer to PCI DSS HS in the Auditing Database for information about the PCI DSS HS database schema.

Once you have acquired all of the above information, then you can craft the proper command line for "oSQL" to connect to the database:  

  1. Open a command prompt. (Select Start > Run. Type cmd, then press ENTER.)

  2. Type the following to place the sql file ARM_DBScript_1_1.sql in the Reports folder under EFT Server’s installation folder:

  3. [path to oSQL]\oSQL.exe -S [server address] -U [username] -P [password] -i "[c:\path\to\ARM_DBScript_1_1.sql]\ ARM_DBScript_1_1.sql"

    For example, type:

    "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\oSQL.exe" -S -U jbond -P asd123!f$s1 -i "C:\Program Files\GlobalSCAPE\EFT\Reports\ARM_DBScript_1_1.sql"

  4. In EFT Administrator, connect to EFT Server and click the Server tab.

  5. In the left pane, click the Server you want to configure.

  6. In the right pane, click the Auditing tab.

  7. Under Database Audit Settings, select the Enable Auditing and Reporting check box.

  8. In the Server Name box, type the Server name or IP address.

  9. Type the Database Name, a valid user name, and a password.

  10. To test the connection to the database, click Test Connection.

Both the auditing component and the reporting component of EFT Server's ARM use ADO to communicate with the data source. The connection string (automatically configured if MSDE is chosen during install) used to connect to the data source can be anything that ADO supports to open a connection. This can be a DSN or a DSN-less connection string. For more information on ADO connection strings, search the MSDN library at; also see Microsoft support article 193332:
. (These links are outside of GlobalSCAPE's domain.)