Receiving Notifications when Recipients Upload Files

This procedure is for EFT Server administrators only. This procedure is performed on the EFT Server computer in EFT Administrator.

The Secure Ad Hoc Transfer (SAT) module default installation handles the process of notifying your recipients when a file is sent. In addition, temporary accounts are disabled automatically one week after account creation.

To remove expired temporary accounts from EFT Server (including their home folder and any files contained within) automatically, and to receive notifications for files uploaded by recipients, you must configure EFT Server to do so, as described below.

The Ad-Hoc User Setting Level will populate with the temporary user accounts as they are created.

If you have Event Rules to trigger on account creation or password change, those Rules are triggered when the temporary account is created.

The SendUploadNotification.wsf script contains two jobs "ON_UPLOAD" and "ON_TIMER" that work together to send a notification mail to the account creator (the "From" e-mail address) whenever file(s) are uploaded into the temporary account. The “ON_UPLOAD" job creates a hidden temporary file within the temp user's home folder indicating an upload is in progress. The "ON_TIMER" job periodically queries the home folders for accounts and, if a temp file is found, a notification is sent to the account owner. The script uses the web.config for the SMTP configuration and the “WaitForUloadsDurationSecs” variable specifying the number of seconds to wait for uploaded files prior to sending e-mail notification. The script also requires the SendUploadNotificationMessage.tlt template located in the Templates directory.

To receive notifications when recipients upload files

Part 1: Configure the “Send Upload Notification to Sender - On Upload” event rule

  1. If EFT Server and IIS are installed on separate computers, copy the EFTAdHoc folder (by default, C:\Inetpub\EFTAdHoc\) and its contents to the EFT Server computer.

  2. Open EFT Administrator and create a new custom command for cscript.exe (a Windows system file usually located at c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe ) as illustrated below.  

  3. In the left pane, click Event Rules, then, in the right pane, click New. The Create New Rule dialog box appears.

  4. In the Event Rule Name box, type a name for the rule. For example, type Send Upload Notification to Sender.

  5. In the Description box, type a comment. (Optional)

  6. In the Select event trigger list, click File Uploaded.

  7. Click Create. The Event Rules tab appears.

  8. In the Conditions box, scroll to Connection Conditions, and double-click If Remote IP does match [ip mask]. The condition appears in the Rule pane.

  9. In the Conditions box, scroll to User Conditions, and double-click If Settings Level does equal. The condition is added next to the first condition, on the same line.

  10. In the condition If Remote IP does match [ip mask], click does once to change it to does not.

  11. If you are using the EFT Secure Ad Hoc Transfer Module, and if EFT Server and IIS are installed on the same computer, when creating the Event Rule for Upload Notifications, create an additional Condition for REMOTE IP does not match

    The Rule’s Conditions should read:

    If settings level is Ad-Hoc
    AND If remote ip does not match <ip address of IIS server>

    AND If remote ip does not match

    The second Condition should
    not be added if EFT Server and IIS are not installed on the same computer.

  12. Click [ip mask]. The Edit Value dialog box appears.

  13. Type the IP address for the IIS host; click OK.

  14. In the condition If Settings Level does equal to [Settings Level], click [Setting Level]. The Select Settings Level dialog box appears.

  15. Click the down arrow to click the Settings Level used by Secure Ad Hoc Transfer (by default, Ad-Hoc), then click OK.

  16. In the Actions box, double-click Execute command in folder. The new action appears UNDER the new compound condition you just created and is indented, as shown below.

  17. In the Action Execute command select in folder 'c:\', click select. The Custom Command dialog box appears.

  18. In the Select command drop-down list, click the name that you gave the cscript command.

  19. In the Specify command parameters box, type or paste the following text:

  20. SendUploadNotification.wsf //JOB:ON_UPLOAD %USER.LOGIN% %FS.VIRTUAL_PATH%

  21. In the Specify command working folder box, click the directory in which the script exists. The script is in the Scripts subdirectory of the Secure Ad Hoc Transfer installation folder if IIS and EFT Server are on the same system (C:\Inetpub\EFTAdHoc\Scripts ) or the Scripts subdirectory of the folder you copied in step 1.

  22. Click OK to close the Custom Command dialog box.

  23. Click Apply to save the changes on EFT Server.

  24. Continue to Part 2, below.

Part 2: Configure the “Send Upload Notification to Sender - On Timer” Event Rule

  1. Create a new Rule using the Scheduler (Timer) Event.

  2. In the Actions box, double-click Execute command in folder to add it to the Rule pane.

  3. In the Rule pane, in the Execute command Action, click select. The Custom Command dialog box appears.

  4. In the Select command drop-down list, click the name that you gave the cscript command in Part 1.

  5. In the Specify command parameters box, type or paste the following text:

  6. SendUploadNotification.wsf //JOB:ON_TIMER

  7. In the Specify command working folder box, click the directory in which the script SendUploadNotification.wsf exists. (In the Scripts subdirectory of the Secure Ad Hoc Transfer installation folder if IIS and EFT Server are on the same system, C:\Inetpub\EFTAdHoc\Scripts, or the Scripts subdirectory of the folder you copied from the IIS computer.)

  8. Click OK to save the Command.

  9. Click Apply to save the changes on EFT Server.

Next, Create a Timer Rule to Remove Temporary Expired Accounts.