PCI DSS Compliance Report

Both trial and full versions of the HSM include the ability to audit EFT Server for compliance with the PCI DSS requirements. EFT Server scans all PCI DSS requirements addressed in EFT Server, and then reports on the compliance status of each requirement (Pass, Fail, or Warning). The report also provides a description of the requirement tested for each item. For failed requirements, the report presents a reason the non-compliant setting was used, if you provided one at the time that particular setting was disabled/changed.

Reporting of failed items occurs at the highest level of failure only, except in the case of an explicit setting that violates compliance. For example:


EFT Server stores PCI DSS compensating controls information provided in its auditing database (ARM). If ARM is disabled, violations are still identified in the report; however, the justifications that you type when you accept a non-compliant setting are not recorded in the database. You can still run the report, but the justifications that you provide will not appear in the report. When settings are changed via the COM API that violate PCI DSS compliance, EFT Server will reject the change and return the error code "error 53." Refer to the GlobalSCAPE Server COM API user guide for details of the COM API.

To generate the PCI DSS Compliance report

For a description of each PCI DSS requirement covered in the report, refer to Possible PCI DSS Compliance Report Outcomes.

For details of generating reports, refer to Generating a Report.

Related Topics

Warnings for HS Violations

PCI DSS Requirements

Possible PCI DSS Compliance Report Outcomes

Introduction to Event Rules

Creating Event Rules

Event Timer Rule

Generate Report Action