Enabling the AS2 Inbound Listener Service

You can configure EFT Server as an AS2 Receiver by allowing incoming transactions over the AS2 protocol and providing your AS2 Identifier and encryption and signing certificates to your trading partners . Your trading partners need this information to be able to share files over AS2.

When you configure a new Site, the Site Setup wizard provides options for configuring the protocol. After a Site is created, you can enable AS2 by selecting the AS2 check box on the Site's Connections tab. You can enable or disable AS2 for partner (user) accounts on the Settings Template or for a partner account, or by selecting AS2 in the New User Creation wizard on the protocol selection page when you create the partner account.

To enable the AS2 inbound listener service, you will need to provide the following information:

EFT Server's AS2 Identifier can be overridden per account (partner); however, if you change EFT Server's AS2 Identifier, partners will not be able to connect to you until they update EFT Server's AS2 identifier on their systems.

To enable the AS2 inbound listener service

  1. In the administration interface, connect to EFT Server and click the Server tab.

  2. In the left pane, click the Site that you want to configure.

  3. In the right pane, click the Connections tab.

  4. Select the AS2 check box, then click AS2 Config. The AS2 Setup Wizard appears.


  5. Read the Welcome page, then click Next. The AS2 identifier page appears.


  6. In the Your AS2 Identifier box, type the name by which you are to be identified to trading partners.

  7. Click Next. The Certificate page appears.


  8. Do one of the following:

  9. Click Next. The AS2 portal Web URL page appears.


  10. The AS2 portal Web URL can be provided to trading partners so that they can obtain EFT Server's AS2 identifier and certificate public key to configure their AS2 client to transact with EFT Server. (You can also deliver the ID and certificate to your partner in an e-mail.)

  11. To save the URL to paste into your Web site or e-mail, click Copy to clipboard, then click Next. The final page of the wizard appears.


  12. Review the Next steps, then click Finish to save the configuration and close the dialog box.

  13. Click Apply to save the changes on EFT Server.

Refer to the topics below for more information regarding configuring AS2 partners and transfers.

Related Topics

Allowing AS2 Connections to a Site

AS2 Certificates

Configuring AS2 Partners

AS2 Configuration Wizard

Configuring Inbound AS2 Parameters

Configuring Outbound AS2 Parameters