Events and Available Variables


Operating System Events and AS2-related Events are available only in EFT Server Enterprise. These Events are visible, but unavailable (grayed out) in EFT Server SMB edition.

EFT Server includes over 25 different Event triggers, based on the following Event types:

Not all variables are available with every Event trigger. For example, it does not make sense to use the %EVENT.REASON% variable with the File Downloaded Event, but it does make sense with the Upload Failed Event, because EFT Server can determine the reason for the failure.

Each of the Events and the variables that you can use with them are listed below. Refer to Variables for a description of each variable and caveats (e.g., %EVENT.TIME% is not suitable for file naming and %FS.REPORT_FILE% should not be used in e-mail notifications).

Operating System Events (available only in EFT Server Enterprise)

Scheduler (Timer)Execute a specified Action one time or repeat at a specified interval.  (Enterprise only)

... can take these Variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Folder Monitor—Monitor a specified folder then execute an Action whenever a change is detected. (Enterprise only)

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

File Change


Physical Path


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Physical Destination Path


Physical Destination Folder Name


Destination File Name


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Folder Monitor Failed—Monitor a specified folder then execute a specified Action whenever a failure is detected.  (Enterprise only)


Use the File Uploaded file system Event to notify you when a file is uploaded to the Site.


... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Folder Monitor Health


Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


Folder Monitor Failure Reason


File System Properties

Physical Path


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


File System Events

File Uploaded—File is uploaded to the Site.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


AS2 Properties

AS2 Payload




AS2 Local MIC


AS2 Remote MIC


AS2 Message ID


AS2 Host


AS2 Transaction Error


AS2 Transaction Result


AS2 Transaction Verbose


AS2 Direction


AS2 Partner ID


AS2 EFT Server ID


AS2 Content Type


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Virtual Path


Physical Path


Virtual Folder Name


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Base File Name


File Size


File Creation Date


File Creation Time


Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


File DownloadedFile is downloaded from the Site.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Virtual Path


Physical Path


Virtual Folder Name


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Base File Name


File Size


File Creation Date


File Creation Time


Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Verified Upload SucceededIntegrity check of uploaded file succeeds when transferred using the Web Transfer Client.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Virtual Path


Physical Path


Virtual Folder Name


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Base File Name


File Size


File Creation Date


File Creation Time


File CRC


Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Verified Download SucceededIntegrity check of downloaded file succeeds when transferred using the Web Transfer Client.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Virtual Path


Physical Path


Virtual Folder Name


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Base File Name


File Size


File Creation Date


File Creation Time


File CRC


Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


File RenamedFile on the Site is renamed by a connected client.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Virtual Path


Physical Path


Virtual Folder Name


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Base File Name


File Size


File Creation Date


File Creation Time


Virtual Destination Path


Physical Destination Path


Physical Destination Folder Name


Destination File Name


Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


File Moved—File is moved from one folder in the VFS to another by a connected client.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Virtual Path


Physical Path


Virtual Folder Name


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Base File Name


File Size


File Creation Date


File Creation Time


Virtual Destination Path


Physical Destination Path


Physical Destination Folder Name


Destination File Name


Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


File DeletedFile is deleted from the Site by connected client

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Virtual Path


Physical Path


Virtual Folder Name


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Base File Name


File Size


File Creation Date


File Creation Time


Virtual Destination Path


Physical Destination Path


Physical Destination Folder Name


Destination File Name


Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Folder Created—Folder is created on the Site by a connected client.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Virtual Path


Physical Path


Virtual Folder Name


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Base File Name


File Size


File Creation Date


File Creation Time


Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Folder DeletedFolder is deleted from the Site by a connected client.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Virtual Path


Physical Path


Virtual Folder Name


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Base File Name


File Size


File Creation Date


File Creation Time


Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Folder ChangedUser navigates to a new folder on the Site.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Virtual Path


Physical Path


Virtual Folder Name


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Base File Name


File Size


File Creation Date


File Creation Time


Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

 Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Upload FailedUpload fails to transfer successfully.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


AS2 Properties

AS2 Payload




AS2 Local MIC


AS2 Remote MIC


AS2 Message ID


AS2 Host


AS2 Transaction Error


AS2 Transaction Result


AS2 Transaction Verbose


AS2 Direction


AS2 Partner ID


AS2 EFT Server ID


AS2 Content Type


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


Event Reason


File System Properties

Virtual Path


Physical Path


Virtual Folder Name


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Base File Name


File Size


File Creation Date


File Creation Time


Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


Download FailedDownload fails to transfer successfully.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


Event Reason


File System Properties

Virtual Path


Physical Path


Virtual Folder Name


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Base File Name


File Size


File Creation Date


File Creation Time


Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


Verified Upload FailedIntegrity check of uploaded file fails when transferred using the Web Transfer Client.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


Event Reason


File System Properties

Virtual Path


Physical Path


Virtual Folder Name


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Base File Name


File Size


File Creation Date


File Creation Time


File CRC


Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client



Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


Verified Download FailedIntegrity check of downloaded file fails when transferred using the Web Transfer Client.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


Event Reason


File System Properties

Virtual Path


Physical Path


Virtual Folder Name


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Base File Name


File Size


File Creation Date


File Creation Time


File CRC


Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


Before Download—If a download is requested, perform the Action(s) defined in this Event, then continue with the download.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Virtual Path


Physical Path


Virtual Folder Name


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Base File Name


File Size


File Creation Date


File Creation Time


Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Server Events

Service StoppedWhen the EFT Server service stops.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


Service StartedWhen the EFT Server service starts.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


Log Rotated—When the current activity log closes and EFT Server opens a new log file.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


Site Properties

Site Running


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


Old Log File Path


New Log File Path


Old Log File Name


New Log File Name


Site Events

Site StopWhen the Site stops.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Site StartedWhen the Site starts.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


Site Properties

Account Management URL


IP Added to Ban List— This Event will trigger when an IP address is banned by EFT Server (non-interactively) due to invalid login attempts exceeded or other security criteria.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


Event Reason


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP




Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


User Events

User Account Disabled—The user account is disabled via the Account Security settings or the Invalid login options on the user account's Security tab. This Event also checks at midnight for any expired account.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties


Account Management URL


Site Running


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


User Account Locked—The user account has been locked (e.g., invalid login attempts)

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


User Quota Exceeded—The user has taken too much disk space on EFT Server.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


User Logged out—The user closes a session gracefully.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


Event Reason


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


User Logged in—The user logs in to EFT Server.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


User Login Failed—The user attempted an incorrect username or password.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


Event Reason


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties

Logon Name


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


User Password Changed—The user or administrator changes a user's password.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File 


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Site Running


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


New User Created—A new user has been created.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Email Address


Account Enabled


Settings Template


Full Name




Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Site Running


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Connection Events

User Connected—When a user connects to the Site (this occurs before log in).

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


User Connect Failed—When a user attempts to connect and fails (this can occur before log in).

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


Event Reason


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


User Disconnected—When a user disconnects from the Site (this can occur before log in).

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


Connection Properties

Remote IP


Local IP


Local Port




Using Web Transfer Client


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


AS2 Events (available only in EFT Server Enterprise)

AS2 Inbound Transaction SucceededTriggers if the inbound transmission was successful, MDN was successfully sent, MICs all match, and no other errors occurred.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


AS2 Properties

AS2 Payload




AS2 Local MIC


AS2 Remote MIC


AS2 Message ID


AS2 Host


AS2 Transaction Error


AS2 Transaction Result


AS2 Transaction Verbose


AS2 Direction


AS2 Partner ID


AS2 EFT Server ID


AS2 Content Type


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


AS2 Inbound Transaction FailedTriggers if the AS2 file upload failed for some reason, such as bad MIC, no permissions/access, duplicate message ID, or other AS2 transfer-related error.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


AS2 Properties

AS2 Payload




AS2 Local MIC


AS2 Remote MIC


AS2 Message ID


AS2 Host


AS2 Transaction Error


AS2 Transaction Result


AS2 Transaction Verbose


AS2 Direction


AS2 Partner ID


AS2 EFT Server ID


AS2 Content Type


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


AS2 Outbound Transaction SucceededTriggers if EFT Server has offloaded a file to a remote partner, and that partner replied with a receipt asynchronously over HTTP/S, indicating that the transfer was successfully completed.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


AS2 Properties

AS2 Payload




AS2 Local MIC


AS2 Remote MIC


AS2 Message ID


AS2 Host


AS2 Transaction Error


AS2 Transaction Result


AS2 Transaction Verbose


AS2 Direction


AS2 Partner ID


AS2 EFT Server ID


AS2 Content Type


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


AS2 Outbound Transaction FailedTriggers if the expected MDN receipt was not received in the expected time or the receipt signature or MIC failed.

... can take these variables


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


AS2 Properties

AS2 Payload




AS2 Local MIC


AS2 Remote MIC


AS2 Message ID


AS2 Host


AS2 Transaction Error


AS2 Transaction Result


AS2 Transaction Verbose


AS2 Direction


AS2 Partner ID


AS2 EFT Server ID


AS2 Content Type


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Full Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


User Properties



Logon Name


Logon Password


Settings Template


Full Name






Email Address


Phone Number


Pager Number


Fax Number


Home Folder


Home folder is root


Quota Max


Quota Used


Invalid login attempts


User can change password


Home IP


User can connect using SSL


User can connect using FTP


User can connect using SFTP


Last Login Date


Password Expiration Date


User Must Change Password at Next Login


Account Expiration Date


Site Properties

Account Management URL


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


Related Topics

Which Actions are Available with which Event Triggers?

List of Conditions