Customizing Mail Express Pages and Notifications

Customization is available for the Mail Express web pages and for the various email notifications that Mail Express sends. You can modify all interfaces that have Globalscape or Mail Express branding, including Web portal headers, footers, and logos, and Mail Express-added email content. (The Globalscape Professional Services team provides custom branding services.) All customizations are file-based; that is, you can create customized text and image files and place them in a specified location. If any customization contains invalid variables or formatting, the default notifications are used and an error is displayed in the Audit Event History report to inform you of the issue. (The Audit Event History report will display a Template Customization error.)

Mail Express uses the Freemarker Template Engine to handle processing the template files (.FTL). Refer to the Freemarker website for more information about editing Freemarker templates.

Customizations are performed by editing the templates located in <Installation Directory>\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\template. The Mail Express Server service does not require a restart for changes to the templates to take effect.

For example, if you wanted to include a custom URL that recipients could click in the email that Mail Express sends to them so that they can access your custom Drop-Off portal to return files, you would edit the addinsendtemplate.html.ftl template to include the custom link:


<#if packageLinkOnly>

<a href="${packageLink}">Download <#if attachments?size == 1>attachment<#else>attachments</#if></a> Please use this customized Mail Express <a href="https://mesrv/dropoff/to/${sender.utfText}">Drop-Off</a> link to return any files to me.


<span style="font-size:11px"><i>Additional download options are available at the <a href="${packageLink}">Pick-Up Portal</a>. Please use this customized Mail Express <a href="https://mesrv/dropoff/to/${sender.utfText}">Drop-Off</a> link to return any files to me.</i></span>



The text in red was added to the existing text in the template.

Email Templates

Mail Express uses a variety of templates to build the various emails that it sends. You can customize the text and some text attributes in the template.

The templates are purposefully very simple. The text of the email is editable. The email address and link are added with variables. (Be careful to not change any of the variables in angle brackets, <variable>, as that will prevent the email from functioning properly.)

Each of the emails is composed of the following template types:

If you want HTML email recipients and plain-text email recipients to view the same message, you will have to edit both versions of the template. The subject template applies to both HTML and plain text.

Common Template Data Structures

Many templates use data in a common format. The properties of these structures are detailed in the table.





Represents a user account

  • emailAddress: String; account email address; e.g. ""

  • username: String; account user name; e.g. "joe.bloggs"

  • displayName: String; account display name; may be null; e.g. "Joe Bloggs"

  • personalizedAddress: String; combines display-name and email-address; e.g. [Joe Bloggs <>]

  • kind: String; type of account:

  • Administrator – administrators

  • InternalAutomatic – internal users from LDAP

  • InternalManaged – internal users manually added

  • External – drop-off users


Represents a file attachment to an email

  • title: String; the document title

  • length: Double; the document size

  • unit: String; the document unit: Kb, MB, etc

  • link: String; document access URL


Represents a system error

  • title: String; a brief name of the issue

  • description: String; more detailed description of the issue

  • level: Integer; nesting level for the issue; used when they are chained together based on root cause; the initial level is 0


Represents a user account from an invitation

  • actor: Actor; the account holder

  • portal: String; the portal URL based on the account type


Represents an account invitation: who sent it, what was it called, and when it was sent

  • sender: EmailAddress; who sent the invitation

  • title: String; subject-line of the invitation

  • createDate: java.util.Date; the date the invitation was sent


Represents an RFC822 email address; e.g. [Joe Bloggs <>].  In the example, "Joe Bloggs" is the "personal name" portion of the email address, and "" is the "address" portion of the email address.

  • address: String; the address portion

  • personal: String; the personal name portion

  • ascciQuotedPersonal: String; the personal name portion encoded as ASCII so that it is suitable for use with SMTP servers

  • utfQuotedPersonal: String; the personal name portion quoted so that UTF characters are preserved (if they exists in the name)

  • asciiText: String; the personal name and address portions together, containing only ASCII so that it is mail-safe

  • utfText: String; the personal name and address portions together, with Unicode characters preserved.


A wrapper around the "java.lang.String.format(String format, Object… args)" method for execution within a template.

Example execution: ${format("%s %s.", "Hello", "world")}

Server Email Templates

Template Name

Template Files

Data Model

Account activation

  • notification – email sent to users who extended an invitation to the user who just activated their account

  • confirmation – email sent to the user who just activated their account

  • accountactivationnotification.html.ftl
  • accountactivationnotification.subject.ftl
  • accountactivationnotification.text.ftl
  • accountactivationconfirmation.html.ftl
  • accountactivationconfirmation.subject.ftl
  • accountactivationconfirmation.text.ftl
  • account: AccountSummary
  • invites: List of [InviteSummary]
  • inviteTitleSize: Integer; number of characters of the longest invite title
  • recipientAddressSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest recipient email address
  • recipientPersonalSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest recipient personal name
  • recipientUtfTextSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest recipient personal & address text

Account Appeal Link

The email sent to users whose email requires verification for a given action. Such actions include requesting a password reset and new account creation (if email verification is required for newly created accounts). The email contains a link to complete the process.

  • accountappeallink.html.ftl

  • accountappeallink.subject.ftl

  • accountappeallink.text.ftl

  • user: Actor; account being accessed

  • url: String; URL to follow to complete process

For password reset requests, his link takes you to the reset password page. Once the user changes the password, either by this link or by logging in and going to the change password page, the Password Changed template is used to format the email to notify the user of the change.

Account Request

The email sent to admin users detailing an account request.

  • accountrequest.html.ftl

  • accountrequest.subject.ftl

  • accountrequest.text.ftl

  • name: String; requestor’s name

  • address: String; requestor’s email address

  • message_HTML: String; requestor’s message in HTML

  • message_TEXT: String; requestor’s message in plain text

  • portal: String; portal from which request was made

Download Notification Email

The email sent to the original sender when the package has been downloaded by a recipient.

  • downloadnotification.html.ftl

  • downloadnotification.subject.ftl

  • downloadnotification.text.ftl

  • packageId: String; the package that was accessed

  • filename: String; the document title, or null if the complete package was downloaded

  • recipient: String; who accessed the file, or null for anonymous access

  • downloadDate: Date; when the recipient downloaded the file

  • uploadDate: Date; when the sender sent the package

  • subject: String; subject line from the sender’s email

External User Invitation

The email automatically sent to newly created external users inviting them to use the Mail Express system.

  • externaluserinvitation.html.ftl

  • externaluserinvitation.subject.ftl

  • externaluserinvitation.text.ftl

  • displayName: String; new account’s display name; may be null

  • dropoffUrl: String; the URL to the drop-off page

  • username: String; new account’s username; same as email address

  • password: String; new account’s password

  • forcePasswordChange: Boolean; whether the new user will have to change the password the first time the account is accessed

Package Upload Portal Send Notification

The email sent to recipients of packages sent from the Package Upload Portal.

  • hasDownload:  Boolean; whether the package has attachments

  • hasAccountInvite:  Boolean; whether the package has account invitations

  • hasReplyInvite:  Boolean; whether the package has reply invitations

  • expiration: java.util.Date; when the package expires; may be null

  • subject: String; subject line from the sender’s email

  • packageLinkOnly: Boolean; whether to include links to all the files in the package individually or only the package-pickup page

  • senderCopy: Boolean; whether the sender wants a copy of the message delivered to the recipients (like a CC)

  • message_HTML: String; sender’s message accompanying the package in HTML

  • message_TEXT: String; sender’s message accompanying the package in plain text

  • sender: EmailAddress; the sender’s email address

  • recipientCount:  Integer; the total number of "To" and "Cc" recipients

  • packageLink: String; package access URL

  • attachments: list of [Attachment]s

  • attachmentLengthSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest attachment length and unit

  • attachmentTitleSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest attachment title

  • attachmentLinkSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest attachment link

  • accountLink: String; URL to activate account invitation

  • accountMessage_HTML: String; account invitation message has HTML

  • accountMessage_TEXT: String; account invitation message as ASCII

  • replyAllLink: String; URL to reply to all recipients with uploads

  • replyLink: String; URL to reply to the sender with uploads

Package Upload Send Confirmation

The email confirmation sent to the sender detailing the transfer’s files, recipients.

  • dropoffsendconfirmation.html.ftl

  • dropoffsendconfirmation.subject.ftl

  • dropoffsendconfirmation.text.ftl

  • accountInvites: Boolean; whether these recipients were sent an account invite or not

  • expiration: Date; when the package expires; may be null

  • identifier: String; the package that was uploaded

  • hasDownload:  Boolean; whether the package has attachments

  • hasAccountInvite: Bboolean; whether the package has account invitations

  • hasReplyInvite:  Boolean; whether the package has reply invitations

  • recipientsHaveNames: Boolean; whether any of the recipients have a personal name or just email-addresses

  • recipients: list of recipient [EmailAddress]es

  • restricted: list of restricted recipient [EmailAddress]es (links are removed from notification email)

  • recipientAddressSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest recipient email address

  • recipientPersonalSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest recipient personal name

  • recipientUtfTextSize: Integer

  • attachments: list of [Attachment]s

  • attachmentLengthSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest attachment length and unit

  • attachmentTitleSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest attachment title

  • attachmentLinkSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest attachment link

Package Upload URL

The email sent via the Administration portal’s Drop-Off Settings page. Used to notify recipients of the Mail Express Server’s Package Upload Page URL.

  • senddropoffurlinvitation.html.ftl

  • senddropoffurlinvitation.subject.ftl

  • senddropoffurlinvitation.text.ftl

  • recipient: String; recipient of the invitation

  • dropoffURL: String; the URL to the drop-off page

Password Changed

The email sent to users whose password has been changed via the change password link in the web portal.

  • accountpasswordchanged.html.ftl

  • accountpasswordchanged.subject.ftl

  • accountpasswordchanged.text.ftl

  • user: Actor; account being accessed

  • internalUser: Boolean; true when user.kind is either InternalAutomatic or InternalManaged, false otherwise

  • date: java.util.Date; when the user changed their password

Store Quota Notification

The email sent to admin users when the file store quota or database size quota has been reached.

  • storenotification.html.ftl

  • storenotification.subject.ftl

  • storenotification.text.ftl

  • percentFull: Double; ratio of the current size to the quota

  • storeType: String; type of store: FileSystem, Database

  • sizeAmount: Double; current size of the store

  • sizeUnit: String; amount unit: Kb, MB, etc

  • quotaAmount: Double; quota for the store

  • quotaUnit: String; amount unit: Kb, MB, etc

Test Email

The test email send when using the test functionality on the Administration portal’s SMTP configuration page.

  • test.html.ftl

  • test.subject.ftl

  • test.text.ftl


Undeliverable Notification

The email sent to sender in the event that Mail Express was unable to deliver the message and the reason why; also whenever you receive a delivery status notification update from the mail server.

  • undeliverablenotification.html.ftl

  • undeliverablenotification.subject.ftl

  • undeliverablenotification.text.ftl

  • user: Actor; original sender of the failed message

  • subject: String; the subject line of the failed message

  • errors: list of [Problem]s

Outlook Add-In Email Templates

Template Name

Template Files

Data Model

Outlook Add-in Invitation Message

The invitation message customized per recipient included in the account invitation email from the Outlook Add-In.  

  • sender: EmailAddress; the sender’s email address

  • accountLink: String; "${InvitePageLink}"; this is a fixed token so that the Outlook Add-In can replace it

  • accounts: list of [AccountSummary]

  • userAccountSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest user account

  • userEmailSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest user email

  • userNameSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest user name

  • userPortalSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest user portal

  • userEnabledSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest user enabled state

Outlook Add-in Recipient Header

The recipient header  customized per recipient included in the email from the Outlook Add-In.  

  • subject: String; subject line from the sender’s email

  • toRecipients: list of "TO" recipient [EmailAddress]es

  • ccRecipients: list of "CC" recipient [EmailAddress]es

  • disambiguate: Boolean; whether the package has more than one non-BCC tracking recipient

  • recipientCount:  int; the total number of "To" and "Cc" recipients

  • sender: EmailAddress; the sender’s email address

  • replyTo: list of the "TO" recipient [EmailAddress]es with the addition of the sender if he/she is not also a recipient

Outlook Add-In Send Notification

The email sent to recipients of packages sent from the Outlook Add-In.)

  • hasDownload:  boolean; whether the package has attachments

  • hasAccountInvite:  boolean; whether the package has account invitations

  • hasReplyInvite:  boolean; whether the package has reply invitations

  • recipientHeader: String; the header token "${RecipientHeader}", or the disambiguation header if it is the same for all recipients, or empty if it is not required

  • expiration: java.util.Date; when the package expires; may be null

  • subject: String; subject line from the sender’s email

  • packageLinkOnly: Boolean; whether to include links to all the files in the package individually or only the package-pickup page

  • packageLink: String; "${PickupPageLink}"; this is a fixed token so that the Outlook Add-In can replace it

  • replyLink: String; "${ReplyPageLink}"; this is a fixed token so that the Outlook Add-In can replace it

  • replyAllLink: String; "${ReplyAllPageLink}"; this is a fixed token so that the Outlook Add-In can replace it

  • accountLink: String; "${InvitePageLink}"; this is a fixed token so that the Outlook Add-In can replace it

  • accountMessage: String; "${InviteMessageTemplate}"; this is a fixed token so that the Outlook Add-In can replace it

  • recipientCount:  int; the total number of "To" and "Cc" recipients

  • sender: EmailAddress; the sender’s email address

  • replyTo: list of the "TO" recipient [EmailAddress]es with the addition of the sender if he/she is not also a recipient

  • attachments: list of [Attachment]s (Note:  link: String; "${FileLink.#}"; this is a fixed token based on the attachment’s index (#) in the list so that the Outlook Add-In can replace it)

  • attachmentLengthSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest attachment length and unit

  • attachmentTitleSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest attachment title

  • attachmentLinkSize: Integer; number of characters in the longest attachment link

Minimal Header Templates

The "minimal" templates below should all be used together to create a minimal email header. The "minimal" templates are installed in the <Installation Directory>\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\template\minimal templates\ folder.

To use a "minimal" template

  1. Rename the standard template (e.g., addinsendtemplate.html.ftl to addinsendtemplate - original.html.ftl).

  2. Copy the "minimal" template into the \template\ folder and then rename the "minimal" template to the original name (e.g., addinsendtemplate.html - minimal.ftl to addinsendtemplate.html.ftl).

To use a translated "minimal" template

(Refer to Localization and Language Support for more information about the localized templates.)

  1. Copy the translated "minimal" template into the \template\ folder.

  2. Rename the translated "minimal" template to the standard, translated name (e.g., addinsendtemplate.html – minimal_de.ftl to addinsendtemplate.html_de.ftl).

  3. Repeat the procedure for each of the translated "minimal" templates.

Each of the renamed templates must be saved in the <Installation Directory>\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\template folder.

Template Name

Template Files

Data Model

Package Upload Portal Send Notification - Minimal

The email sent to recipients of packages sent from the Package Upload Portal.

  • dropoffsendnotification.html – minimal.ftl


Refer to description of non-minimal templates above.

Outlook Add-in Invitation Message - Minimal

The invitation message customized per recipient included in the account invitation email from the Outlook Add-In.  

  • addininvitationtemplate.html – minimal.ftl

Refer to description of non-minimal templates above.

Outlook Add-in Recipient Header - Minimal

The recipient header  customized per recipient included in the email from the Outlook Add-In.  

  • addinrecipienttemplate.html – minimal.ftl

Refer to description of non-minimal templates above.

Outlook Add-In Send Notification - Minimal

The email sent to recipients of packages sent from the Outlook Add-In.)

  • addinsendtempalte.html – minimal.ftl

Refer to description of non-minimal templates above.

Minimal header example:

Web Portal Templates

There are six basic types of web portal customizations, described in "1. Template" below.


    1. Template:

    2. Parameter (portal or account page changes):

    3. Location:

    4. The default templates are for "en_US."

Data model

How Mail Express Uses the Customized Templates

Suppose someone was trying to sign in to the Administrator portal. Mail Express would look for a customized template to render both the header and footer of that page. For the header, below is the order the files would be considered (the footer is similarly processed). Failing to find the first one, Mail Express would look for the second one. Failing that, it would look for the next one, and so on. If no custom header file is found, Mail Express uses the default.

  1. custompagelogin.admin.header.html_en_US.ftl

  2. custompagelogin.admin.header.html_en.ftl

  3. custompagelogin.admin.header.html.ftl

  4. custompagelogin.header.html_en_US.ftl

  5. custompagelogin.header.html_en.ftl

  6. custompagelogin.header.html.ftl

  7. custompagedefault.header.html_en_US.ftl

  8. custompagedefault.header.html_en.ftl

  9. custompagedefault.header.html.ftl

The same data model is used for any template that is found. Administrators can choose any number of files at the appropriate level to meet their specific needs. Footers are processed similarly to headers; the only notable difference is that the footer’s data model only contains specialization parameters of portal-type.

Localization depends on the templates available and the language setting on the client computer. (That is, if you define a Japanese template, but the client computer does not have the Japanese language pack installed, the client computer will not display the Japanese template correctly.)

Misc Templates

Template Files

Data Model


The Package Recipient Notification emails that are sent to recipients after a package is sent via either the Outlook Plug-in or the Package Upload Portal will contain a small attached html file. By default this file will contain the list of links to download the files. This template allows for customization of this attached html file.

  • attachments: list of attachments; properties of interest

  • title: String; the document title

  • length: Double; the document size

  • unit: String; the document unit: Kb, MB, etc

  • link: String; document access URL


Mainly for debugging purposes; allows customization of the Kerberos configuration file used for Kerberos authentication.

  • kerberosRealm: String; the upper-case version of the Authentication Settings "Domain name" field configured via the Mail Express Server Administration Portal Internal Settings page.

  • kdcHost: String; the host name or IP Address of the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (e.g. the Active Directory Server) as configured in the Authentication Settings "KDC host" field of the Mail Express Server Administration Portal Internal Settings page.

  • kdcPort: Integer; the listener port of the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (e.g. the Active Directory Server) as configured in the Authentication Settings "KDC port" field of the Mail Express Server Administration Portal Internal Settings page.

  • domain: String; the Windows domain name managed by the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (e.g. the Active Directory Server) as configured in the Authentication Settings "Domain name" field of the Mail Express Server Administration Portal Internal Settings page.


Date Format

You can specify the date and time format within the templates that use dates. For example, in the variable ${expiration?datetime?string.long}, you would change long to short, medium, or full:

Branding Templates

Branding templates are available in the C:\Program Files\Globalscape\Mail Express\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\template directory for adding your own branding to email notifications.

Template Name

Template Files

Editable Content

Package Upload Portal Send Notification Branding

  • branding.html.ftl


<div style="font-size:9px;">Powered by Globalscape&reg; Mail Express&#8482;


  • branding.rtf.ftl

  • branding.text.ftl


Powered by Globalscape\u00AE Mail Express\u2122

Outlook Add-in Send Notification Branding

  • addinsendbranding.html.ftl

<div style="font-family:Arial;border:solid 1px #2E62AA;padding:.5em .2em .2em .5em;font-size:13px;margin-bottom:0.8em;">


<div style="font-size:9px;">Powered by Globalscape&reg; Mail Express&#8482;</div>


  • addinsendbranding.rtf.ftl

  • addinsendbranding.text.ftl


Powered by Globalscape\u00AE Mail Express\u2122

Replacing the Mail Express Logo with Your Own

The images subdirectory (by default, <Installation Directory>\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\template\images) contains the Mail Express logo and others. You can "brand" Mail Express with your own graphics by overwriting the existing file. HeaderBar.header_logo.png is the header image for all Mail Express pages.

To replace the Mail Express logo with your own

  1. Make a copy of HeaderBar.header_logo.png and then paste it in the same directory. It will be saved as Copy of HeaderBar.header_logo.png.

  2. Create/copy/edit your own logo, making sure it has the same dimensions (310 x 32 pixels) by cropping or resizing it, or use the HeaderBar.header_logo.png as a "template" and paste/create your logo on top of it in your graphic editor.

  3. Save the new logo in the image subdirectory, named HeaderBar.header_logo.png overwriting the existing logo. (You will still have Copy of HeaderBar.header_logo.png if you decide to revert to the original.) Mail Express Server will display your new logo in place of the Mail Express logo.

  4. If you need to go back to the original logo, just rename or delete your logo from the images directory, then rename the original back to HeaderBar.header_logo.png.

  5. It is not necessary to reboot the server to see your changes.

Related Topics

For more information, review the topics in the Contents to the left. If the Contents pane is hidden, click <--Show.

You can also search the Knowledgebase for help, or pose your question in the Globalscape User Forum. Visit the Mail Express Support Center for the most up-to-date information, to view version history, updates, and activation instructions, or to download a PDF of this user guide. For information about Globalscape, visit or follow us on Twitter.

Last modified: 07 October 2013 at 9:14:19