Listed below are different methods that you can use to install the Outlook Add-In to multiple desktops across the enterprise. The following are just general guidelines; the scenario that works best for your organization may differ. Deploying the Outlook Add-In includes installing the Outlook Add-In prerequisites based on Microsoft Office Version.
Methods for deploying the Add-In include:
(Preferred method) Silently install the prerequisites and the Add-In. In this scenario, users are never asked to do anything to install the Add-In. Installation can be accomplished a variety of ways, such as with a logon script or group policy.
Silently install the prerequisites, then ask users to run the Add-In installer (.msi file) from a network location.
Silently install the prerequisites, then ask users to run a batch file in a network location to install the Add-In silently (or with minimal user interaction) using the installation arguments (described in Silent Installation of the Outlook Add-In). With a batch file, the user does not need to know about the Add-In installation arguments or how to use the command line.
Place the prerequisite installer bundle in a network location, then ask end users to manually install the Add-In using the bootstrapper, which will install the prerequisites and launch the .msi file. (The prerequisites and .msi file need to be in the same folder.)
You will need to provide end users with instructions to connect to Mail Express Server and to configure message options. You can copy and paste instructions into an email directly from the help file or provide end users with an online link to the topics in Using Mail Express in Outlook.