Upgrading the Outlook Add-In

Upgrading the Add-In is similar to installing the Add-In for the first time, except that because the Add-In’s prerequisites (Office PIA, VSTO Runtime, and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1) are already installed, you only need to run the new Add-In MSI (MailExpressOutlookAddinInstaller.msi) to upgrade an Add-In. When running the Add-In MSI silently, the same installation parameters used to install the Add-In initially can be provided, but is not required. The Outlook Add-In Installer page of the Mail Express Administration site can be used to generate the appropriate installation script, if needed. If the user will perform the upgrade manually via the installation wizard, they will be guided quickly through the upgrade process.

When the upgraded Mail Express Server service is started, the previous version's Outlook Add-In will not connect. The Add-In will indicate a version mismatch in the Mail Express Status pane and display an exclamation point on the toolbar/ribbon. After you upgrade the Add-In, it will then connect successfully.

Finalizing the Upgrade

After upgrading the Mail Express Server and the Outlook Add-Ins in your organization, launch the Mail Express Administration site, navigate to Portal Settings > Internal Settings, select the Add-In services enabled check box, and then click Save. (You should have disabled the Add-In services before upgrading the server.) This will allow the Add-Ins to detect that the Mail Express Server is available. Any Add-Ins that were not upgraded will remain disabled with a "Version Mismatch General Status" on the Mail Express Status pane until they are upgraded. Users with Add-Ins in this state can still send emails with Outlook, but they will not be processed by the Add-In.

Refer to Deploying the Outlook Add-In for details of how to deploy the Add-In in general.

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You can also search the Knowledgebase for help, or pose your question in the Globalscape User Forum. Visit the Mail Express Support Center for the most up-to-date information, to view version history, updates, and activation instructions, or to download a PDF of this user guide. For information about Globalscape, visit www.globalscape.com or follow us on Twitter.

Last modified: 07 October 2013 at 9:14:19