Mail Express Status

The Windows Event Viewer displays significant events related to Mail Express, such as server start, server stop, ERROR log messages, and FATAL log messages. Messages include the time and date of the event, an indication of the severity of the event, and a message describing the event.

When you log in to the Mail Express Server, Mail Express displays the Mail Express status. In general, the flag colors indicate "OK" (green), "Warning" (orange), or "Fatal" (red). A red flag can indicate that the component is not yet configured, misconfigured, or otherwise not functioning as expected. You can also view reports for more information.

The Mail Express Status page displays status of the following components:

For more information, review the topics in the Contents to the left. If the Contents pane is hidden, click <--Show.

You can also search the Knowledgebase for help, or pose your question in the Globalscape User Forum. Visit the Mail Express Support Center for the most up-to-date information, to view version history, updates, and activation instructions, or to download a PDF of this user guide. For information about Globalscape, visit or follow us on Twitter.

Last modified: 07 October 2013 at 9:14:19