The Windows Event Viewer displays significant events related to Mail Express, such as server start, server stop, ERROR log messages, and FATAL log messages. Messages include the time and date of the event, an indication of the severity of the event, and a message describing the event.
When you log in to the Mail Express Server, Mail Express displays the Mail Express status. In general, the flag colors indicate "OK" (green), "Warning" (orange), or "Fatal" (red). A red flag can indicate that the component is not yet configured, misconfigured, or otherwise not functioning as expected. You can also view reports for more information.
The Mail Express Status page displays status of the following components:
File Store—Number and size of files stored, and percentage of disk used. An orange "warning" flag indicates that the file store limit has been reached or exceeded. A red flag indicates that the file store is not valid or not writable. To adjust the allowed disk space, refer to Configuring File Storage.
Database—Connectivity and percent full. To adjust allowed size, refer to Configuring Database Purging and Notifications.
Current Activity—Displays number of requests and number of current licenses consumed. Click the linked text to display the IP/user/connection information. "Unlicensed" is displayed if a valid license string has not been provided.
Drop-off Portal—Indicates whether the Drop-off Portal is enabled. When enabled, shows the number of active uploads occurring via the Drop-off portal. To enable and configure the Drop-Off page, refer to Configuring the Drop-Off Portal.
Pick-up Portal—Indicates whether the Pick-up Portal is enabled. When enabled, shows the number of active downloads occurring via the Pick-up portal. To enable and configure the Pick-Up page, refer to Enabling the Pick-Up Portal
Internal Portal—Indicates whether the Internal Portal is enabled. When enabled, show the number of active uploads occurring via the Internal Portal. To enable and configure the Internal Portal, refer to Configuring the Add-In and Internal Portal.
Reply Portal—Indicates whether the Reply Portal is enabled. When enabled, shows the number of active uploads occurring via the Reply portal. To enable and configure the Reply portal, refer to Enabling and Configuring the Reply Portal.
Outlook Add-In—Indicates whether Outlook Add-In access is enabled. When enabled, shows the number of active transfers occurring from Outlook Add-Ins. To enable and configure Add-In services, refer to Configuring the Add-In and Internal Portal.
General Configuration Domain Name—The Mail Express Server host name. To specify the Mail Express Server domain, refer to Specifying the Mail Express Server Host Name.
IP Port Binding—When IP Port bindings are defined on the General tab, displays the status of the connection, IP address/hostname, and port number.
Mail Server—The mail server's host name. To configure the mail server's host name and other settings, refer to Mail Server Configuration. The status flag alternates between green and red or green, orange, and red, depending on how the mail server is configured. If you're only sending mail with no box monitoring, the flag can only be green or red, depending on whether Mail Express can connect to the mail server. If box monitoring is also enabled, a green flag indicates that send and monitor are both working; a red flag indicates that send and monitor are not working; an orange flag indicates that one is working and the other is not.
DMZ Gateway—When enabled, shows the state of the connection to the DMZ Gateway (Connected, Connecting, Disconnected) and the configured DMZ Gateway address and server port. To enable and configure DMZ Gateway, refer to Configuring the DMZ Gateway Connection. To register DMZ Gateway, refer to Registering DMZ Gateway. (If you have not registered DMZ Gateway and your trial expires, it will not appear on the Mail Express Status page.)
EFT Server—When EFT integration is enabled and configured, displays the status of the connection and the EFT hostname.
Installed Software Version—Mail Express Server software version.