Creating SSH2 Public/Private Keypairs

When clients attempt to create an SFTP connection with the Server, the Server must send a key to the client verifying its identity. You can create the necessary key with the Server and use the same key for several Sites, or create separate keys for individual sites.

To create a key pair

  1. In the Administrator, connect to the server, then click the Server tab.

  2. Do one of the following:

  3. The Create SSH2 Public/Private Keypair wizard appears.

  4. Specify a key pair name and location to store it, then click Next. The password page of the wizard appears.

  5. Provide and confirm the passphrase. The passphrase cannot contain more than 256 characters, cannot contain only spaces and periods, and cannot contain the following characters:

  6. Click Finish. While the Server is creating the key, the Generating Key Pair message appears, then a confirmation message appears.

  7. The confirmation message displays the location and file names of the key pair files. Click Yes, to continue or No if you do not want to add the public key to the SFTP key manager.

  8. If you click Yes, the Add key to storage dialog box appears.

  9. Provide a descriptive name for the public key, then click OK. The new key will now appear in the SSH Key Manager.

To use the key for other sites, rather than click Create, in the Site key pair box of the SFTP Settings tab enter or browse to the path where you stored the key.