Creating Sites

You can create and manage multiple Sites through a single Server. Each Site must connect to a separate IP address, port, or both. When you create a new Site, FTP access is automatically enabled. After you create the Site, you can configure the protocols the Site is to use.

To create a new Site

  1. In the Administrator, connect to the server, then click the Server tab.

  2. Click the Server for which you are creating the Site.

  3. On the main menu, click Configuration, then click Create New Site. The Create New Site window appears.

  4. Type a Name for the Site. This name will appear in the Server tree.

  5. In the Listening IP list, specify the address for the site or click All incoming.

  6. In the Port box, type or select the port number. The default port used for FTP connections is 21, however, you can enter any value between 1 and 65,535. (If you are using the site for secure FTP connections, you can later turn off plain FTP access on the Connection Options tab.)

Assigning port numbers under 1024 may lead to conflicts with other programs running on your computer.

  1. If you want the site to start immediately, select the Start site automatically after creation check box.

  2. Specify the Authentication method. The default method is GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server Authentication.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Provide the path to store the user database. Leave the default path unless you want to store the authentication database in a new location.

  5. In the User list refresh interval list, specify how often the Server should check the database for new users.

  6. Click Next.

  7. In the Default FTP Root Folder area, specify a path to the root folder for the site.

  8. Select  the Create standard subfolders check box to automatically create Bin, Pub, Usr and Incoming folders with appropriate permissions under the root folder. This is selected by default, but is only necessary if you are trying to mimic a typical default *nix Server setup.

  9. Select the Enable anonymous access to the server check box to create an anonymous account that does not require a password. The account will have limited permissions.

  10. Select the Auto assign home folders to site users check box to automatically create a user folder under \Site Root\Usr\ when a new user is added.

  11. Click Finish. If the root folder has not already been created, you are prompted to do so: Click Yes. The folder is created and the Create New Site wizard closes.