Creating a Report in Design Mode

The New Report Wizard is used to specify a data source and basic framework for the report. To get exactly the report you want, you can adjust and enhance the data fields and layout. The Report Designer provides the options to modify the report to fit your needs.

To use the Report Designer design mode

  1. In the Administrator, connect to the server, then click the Reports tab. You should be connected to the reports database.

  2. Do one of the following:

  3. The report appears in the Report Designer.

  4. The left pane of the Report Designer lists all reports contained in the current report definition file. Click the report that you want to modify, then click the Design  icon on the View toolbar, or on the main menu, click View, then click Design. The right pane switches from Review mode to Design mode, and displays the controls and fields that make up the report.

If you make mistakes while moving or editing the fields, click the Undo and Redo icons.

The Report Sections

The report is divided into sections labeled Header, Page Header, Detail, and Page Footer that contain fields that hold the labels, variables, and expressions that you want in the generated report. The sections determine the appearance of the beginning and end of the report, and each page and group. The table below describes where each section appears in the report and the sort of data that typically appears in each section.



Typically Contains

Page Header

Once per report

The report title and summary information for the whole report

Page Header

Once per page

Labels that describe detail fields and/or page numbers

Group Header

Once per group

Fields that identify the current group and possibly aggregate values for the group (e.g. total, percentage of the grand total)


Once per record

Fields containing data from the source record set

Group Footer

Once per group

Aggregate values for the group

Page Footer

Once per page

Page number, page count, date printed, report name

Report Footer

Once per report

Summary information for the entire report

You cannot directly add and delete sections - the number of sections in a report determines the number of groups. Every report has exactly five fixed sections (Report Header/Footer, Page Header/Footer, and Detail) plus two sections per group (a Header and a Footer).

To hide sections that you do not want to display

  1. Right-click the field, click Properties. The Field Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Change the property of Visible to False.

To resize a section

When multiple fields are selected, you can use the buttons on the Format toolbar to align, resize, and space them.

You can control the design grid using the Show Grid and Snap To Grid icons.