Accessing the Vault in the Web Interface

The Server Configuration page of the WAFS Vault interface is used to view or change the port number and working space directory.

To log in as an administrator to manage WAFS

  1. Open a browser and go to the WAFS Vault (e.g., http://localhost:711). The Welcome to the WAFS Vault page appears.

  2. Click Login to the WAFS Web interface as the Admin User. The WAFS Admin Login page appears.

  3. In the Admin user and Admin password boxes, provide your login credentials, then click Login. (The default username is iDisk and the default password is root. You should change this username and password from the defaults after installation.) The Job List appears.

    (Note: "FIRSTFOLDER" is automatically generated. After you create a new Job, you can delete the Job named FirstFolder if you are not using it, or keep it for testing purposes.)

  4. Click Server Configuration. The Server Configuration page appears.

  5. The port number is defined during installation. To change the port, specify it in the Port number box. WAFS uses port 80 by default, so if you change the port number, you must add it to the URL when you connect to the Vault in the web interface or to manage Jobs online. (For example, https://localhost:771.)

  6. The working space directory is defined during installation. To change the path, specify it in the Working space directory box. If you change the working space directory, you must copy (don't move) the current Vault directory to its new location. Once the Vault is back up and communicating with the Agents, verify that the Vault is using the correct location and that all of the Jobs are intact. If they are, it is safe to delete the old directory.

  7. Click Save to save your changes.

  8. Click Job List to go back to the Job List page. If you close the browser, you are logged out of the Vault interface.