Logging Activity

Each time the Agent is started, it creates a new log file with a name containing the date and time when it was started (e.g., Agn_20080604_1100_001.txt). By default, log files are written to the folder C:\Program Files\Globalscape\WAFS Agent\logs.SYSTEM. You can change the default location of the logs. Refer to Changing the Default Location of the Agent Logs for details.

All logs are set by default to Info level logging. You can change individual logs to a different level, set all of the categories to the same level, or set them all back to the default (Info). Because logs will grow very quickly, you should NOT change from the default of INFO unless instructed to do so by GlobalSCAPE Customer Support.

Available levels include:

To view or change log settings

  1. Open the WAFS Agent Manager, then click Service > Change Log Settings. The Log Settings dialog box appears.

  2. To change an individual category's log level, in the Level column, click the down arrow, the click the desired log level.

  3. To change all categories to the same log level, click Set All To, then click the level.

  4. To change all categories to the default level, click Set All to Default.

  5. to sort the category, click the Category Name column header.