Viewing Details of Jobs Defined on the Agent

The Job Info tab of the Agent displays a list of Jobs defined on the Agent and provides information about each Job. You can also view this information on each Job's General Info tab.

To view details of all Jobs defined on the Agent

  1. Open the WAFS Agent Manager and click the Agent on which you want to view activity.

  2. Click the Job Info tab.

    The columns on the Job Info tab provide the following information:

    Job Name—The name of the Job

    Type—The type of Job, WAFS or CDP

    Access Mode—The type of access: Full = Regular WAFS Job or CDP Master Agent; Read-only = CDP Slave Agent, read-only access

    Linked Folder—The physical folder linked to the Job

    Quota—The total size allowed in the folder

    Current Usage—The number of GB currently being used

    Not Uploaded—The number of GB not yet uploaded to the Vault

    Not Downloaded—The number of GB not downloaded to the Vault

    File Count—The number of files in the Job

    Folder Count—The number of folders in the Job

    Filtered File Count—The number of filtered files in the Job

    Filtered Folder Count—The number of filtered folders in the Job

    Filtered Bytes—The number of bytes being filtered in the Job

    Total Bytes—The total number of bytes in the Job