AS2 Inbound Parameters

For AS2 inbound (receiver) connections for transactions over the HTTP and HTTPS ports, enable AS2 by selecting the AS2 check box on the Site's Connections tab. You can enable or disable AS2 for partner (user) accounts on the Settings Template and/or for each user, or by selecting AS2 in the New User Creation wizard on the protocol selection page when you create the partner account. The standard inheritance rules apply. (AS2 has to be enabled and configured for the Site before you can enable it for a Settings Template or user account.)

The parameters in the table below are available in the AS2 Inbound Settings dialog box and can be configured manually or using the setup wizard.




Your certificate


Displays the AS2 certificate public key path to be used for signing the MDN and for decryption, copied from the Site. (Can be on a drive or UNC path.)

Partner certificate


Specifies the AS2 certificate to be used for verifying signed messages. (Can be on a drive or UNC path.)

Your AS2 identifier


Your AS2 identifier.

Partner AS2 identifier


Your partner's AS2 identifier (must be unique)

Authentication mechanism


Used to specify whether the client is authenticating with username and password or using Message Level Security (MLS). Refer to AS2 Authentication for more information.

Partner AS2 identifier mismatch policy


Used to accept or reject AS2 transactions where the connecting partner’s AS2-From ID does not match the AS2 identifier defined for that partner. Reject (default) - Disallow the transaction; Accept - Allow the transaction

EFT AS2 identifier mismatch policy


Used to accept or reject AS2 transactions where the connecting partner’s AS2-To ID does not match EFT AS2 identifier defined for that partner in that partner’s AS2Inbound tab. Reject (default) - Disallow the transaction; Accept - Allow the transaction.

Duplicate Message ID with different contents

(For duplicate message ID with same contents, refer to Troubleshooting AS2 Issues.)


Used to Accept or Reject AS2 transactions with duplicate Message IDs.

  • If an incoming request has the same Message ID and the same payload as a prior incoming message, EFT sends the exact same response from that prior transaction back to the client, and does not extract or process the payload (that is, discards the payload, does not save to file system, does not trigger Event Rules, etc.).

  • If an incoming request has the same Message ID, but the payload is different, EFT processes or discards the message based on the configuration provided by the user.

Options include: Reject (default) - Disallow the transaction; Accept - Allow the transaction

Duplicate Contents with different Message ID


Used to overwrite or reject AS2 transactions where the file is a duplicate of an existing file already residing in the upload directory.

  • Reject (default) - Disallow the transaction

  • Overwrite - Overwrite the existing file with the new version

  • Numerate - Add a unique number to the filename

Message not signed


Used to specify whether EFT will Accept or Reject the transaction if it is not signed.

Allowed signature algorithms


Used to allow or not allow specific signature algorithms.

Message not encrypted


Used to specify whether EFT will Accept or Reject the transaction if it is not encrypted.

Allowed encryption algorithms


Used to allow or not allow specific encryption algorithms.

MDN send attempt timeout (seconds)


Specifies the timeout period after which an asynchronous MDN send attempt shall be considered a failure if no response is received from the remote server. Range: 0-600, 60 seconds is the default. 0 = no timeout. Asynchronous receipts will be returned to the domain name specified on the Site's Connection tab using the standard or secure listener port specified on that same page (depending on whether you specified HTTP or HTTPS for the remote host value).

MDN send attempt retries


Number of time to attempt to send MDN. Range: 0 (no retry) to 999; 10 is the default. Retries do not include the initial attempt. That is, 10 retries means 10 in addition to the first attempt (11 total).

MDN send attempt delay between retries (seconds)


Retry interval. Range: 0 (no wait) to - 600 seconds; 30 seconds is the default. Failure only occurs after all attempts to send MDN have failed. Likewise, success is only after complete transaction has occurred (file received and MDN is sent).

MDN signing algorithm


Used to specify the MDN signing algorithm. The default is "as requested or SHA-256.

Transaction FAILED notification email*


Opens the Edit Mail Template in which you can specify an email notification for failed transaction. (Refer to email Notification Action for details of defining an email notification.)

Transaction SUCCESS notification email*


Opens the Edit Mail Template in which you can specify an email notification for successful transaction. (Refer to email Notification Action for details of defining an email notification.)

Transaction FAILED run command*


Opens the Custom Command dialog box in which you can specify a Custom Command to occur upon failed send. (Refer to Creating a Command to create a command and refer to Script: Custom Command Action for details of using a Command.)

Transaction SUCCESS run command*


Opens the Custom Command dialog box in which you can specify a Custom Command to occur upon successful run. (Refer to Creating a Command to create a command and refer to Script: Custom Command Action for details of using a Command.)

Move received data to folder


Specify a folder in which to save received data. (Can be on a drive or UNC path.)

Rename file(s) to


Appends filename to path using specified variables. Preserve filename if undefined. This parameter is the same as the Specify relative path and filename field in the Target File tab of the Offload Action wizard in EFT’s Copy/Move File to Host Action.

HTTP 1.0 mode
(don't send HTTP/1.1 100 Continue)


"100 Continue" is a part of the HTTP protocol and means "Everything is OK for now, continue this transaction"; many AS2 servers use it to avoid timeouts. It is the client software's responsibility to process this reply properly (just skip until 200 OK or real HTTP error is received); if the client does not process the reply correctly, you can turn off the "100 Continue" response by selecting the check box. (The check box is cleared by default.) If your AS2 partner receives multiple MDN failures when sending to EFT in HTTPS, select this check box to turn off the "100 Continue" reply.

* EFT sends emails and executes commands only after the final transaction status (Failure or Success) is known.