What's New in EFT Arcus?
Listed below are the features, fixes, and enhancements of EFT Arcus.
v8.1.1.0 -
EFT Arcus has been updated to roll in the changes from previous releases of EFT on-premises. Refer to the EFT release notes in the Client Success Portal (https://portal.globalscape.com/) for more info about each of the EFT on-premises releases.
New Features
Replaced Remote Desktop Gateway with Microsoft Azure VDI link.
Added ability to map Site root to cloud storage
Added ability to group Advanced Workflows in folders
Added ability to use the Workspaces variable WS_OWNER_NAME in File Send email template
Added PCI 3.6.4 SSL Certificate Rotation Period Notification
Added ability to specify more parameters in the Pre/post commands dialog box in the Protocol: Upload and Protocol Download Action for connections to a mainframe computer.
- Added context variable condition %USER.HOME_FOLDER_PATH% to provide entire path to a user's home folder
Added ability to select multiple event rules in the EFT admin interface and move them to a folder in the Event Rules node.
Added cloud virtual folder processing in Event Actions
Added "Zip Plus" folder downloads in Workspaces for guest users
Added ability to export RAM status into CSV or ARM
Added support for using compress/ decompress Action in Remote Agent Rules
Added Advanced Properties
FailOnPGPVerifyOfUnsignedFile - If set to true, the OpenPGP action will fail if the target file is not signed. When If action failed is enabled, the event rule will trigger the failure if the PGP file is missing the signature.
Type: bool
Default Value: false
Description: Use the old admin permissions for REST API.
SMTP settings not sending:
Type: uint32_t
Default Value: 3
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 4
Description: SmtpTlsMaxVersion: 0 - SSL 3.0, 1 - TLS 1.0, 2 - TLS 1.1, 3 - TLS 1.2, 4 - TLS 1.3
Type: uint32_t
Default Value: 3
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 4
Description: SmtpTlsMinVersion: 0 - SSL 3.0, 1 - TLS 1.0, 2 - TLS 1.1, 3 - TLS 1.2, 4 - TLS 1.3
REST API endpoint additions or changes:
REST: ARM Reports
REST: Remote Agents
REST: Authentication endpoint to return info about admin session
REST: Connection Profiles
REST: Include last password change details in UserId metrics
REST: Advanced Workflows
REST: Custom commands endpoint
REST: Certificate get/set endpoints
REST: Permission Groups and User Settings Template endpoints
Converted EFT Arcus to 64bit (x64)
Converted EFT Arcus to the module-based licensing introduced in EFT v8.0.7.
Updated PGP library (EFT uses IPWorks OpenPGP 2020 v20.0.8136 from /n Software for secure OpenPGP messaging and advanced encryption and decryption, and is RFC 4880 compliant.)
TermsOfService.json is now in the config share so it will persist across VM scale-ins (Terms of Service and Privacy Policy default files are just templates. You must create your own Terms of Service and Privacy Policy in your language(s).
The Upload forms feature (for gathering metadata) is now available in the Secure Forms Module (SFM)
EFT templates are now all in one location, Templates
Provide 5 free Workspaces seats when HTTPs Protocol is licensed
Updated AWS S3 regions list in Copy/Move to and Download from Cloud Storage event rule actions
Extended auto-ban capabilities and added two new advanced properties
Previous Versions
v8.0.3.27, October 7, 2021
Moved TermsOfService.json to the shared configuration so it will persist across VM scale-ins
Added IP-allow list for Remote Desktop Gateway pass-thru authentication. Registry setting is: GSFTPS_LOCAL_MACHINE_REGKEY_EFT74 SaaSLimitPassThroughAuthToIp
If the list is empty, then no pass through authentication connections are allowed. If the registry setting is absent, then all connections are allowed. -
Support new pricing model consisting of several pricing tiers that reflect increasingly sophisticated combinations of hardware, along with set storage/transfer limits, and standard EFT subscription licensing required to unlock functionality. (Refer to the EFT Arcus datasheet or contact Support for details. Also see Introduction to Arcus for a list of features.)
v8.0.3.22 May 22, 2021
Added support for administration console access via a new remote desktop gateway based on Apache Guacamole.
With Guacamole, administration interface resources reside exclusively in the customer's tenant / region / national boundary, which furthers GDPR compliance.
Security-wise, users can now customize their own firewall rules for admin access; that is, they can whitelist their own IPs and block others.
You can avoid the remote desktop gateway, which is a shared resource. You can opt to disable access through the remote desktop gateway if you choose to do so.
You can connect to any node in the cluster for the purposes of monitoring activity in real-time, kicking suspicious transfers, etc. (Previously, when using the remote desktop gateway, users could only connect to the node that the load balancer nominated for admin traffic.) Note that the admin lock still remains a constraint; however, only one node can be monitored or administered at a time.
Fixed a deadlock that caused the administration console to became inaccessible.
Fixed an issue where EFT was returning a 401 when RAM agents were checking in.
Updated the jQuery library to the current version.
Fixed deadlock in EFT occurring when processing an invalid HTTP login.
Fixed an issue where false positives were reported in the PCI compliance report due to RAM agent settings.
Fixed intermittent hangs of the administration console due to deadlocks in the folder monitor subsystem.
Fixed a problem where EFT administrators were getting an error when specifying SSH keys for event rules.
Fixed an issue where terms of service and forced password reset caused WTC access to be denied.
v8.0.3.9 May 10, 2020
Basic Tier clients can now create one Remote Agent (additional fee applies)
BulkUserExport: Upload a JSON file named "ExportUsersSettings.json" into the BulkUserExport folder to dump the user list for a specific site (or all sites if the value is empty).
PGP keys, SSH keys, and SSL certificates can be imported into EFT Arcus through the Arcus Management Template
Added ability to use the SAML assertion map attribute Email field in JIT or LDAP after an IDP- or SP-initiated login to create an account in EFT
OpenPGP key pairs are defined and managed on a Site instead of the Server
Updated PGP library to IP*Works! OpenPGP 2016
Added privacy and other GDPR-related features:
User agreements and consent options on the General Tab of a User Node
Privacy options on the User Account Action in Event Rules
Privacy options for EFT on the Site > Web tab and in the WTC
Terms of Service agreement options for EFT web portal on the Site > Web tab
User Account Details Template on Site > Security tab to apply GDPR-related privacy settings to all user accounts on a Site
Optional permission on Server > Administration tab to give administrator accounts permission to manage personal data for users
GDPR-related event, context variables, and user conditions
Personally identifiable information (PII) / personal data is encrypted by default (beyond normal Arcus disk encryption)
Removed email address from User > General tab
ARM reports:
Privacy-related, pre-defined ARM reports
More performant ARM reporting functions
New Event Rule features:
Added Create or set variable Action
Added Call (GoTo) Event Rule Subroutine Action
Added ability to scan metadata with Content Integrity Control Action
Added "Enable this account" option in the User Account Action. (Refer to Workspaces Invitations for an example of using the User Account Action to enable an expired Guest account.)
Added context variable to take anything after the last dot (before the extension) and place it into this context variable
Added new context variables for date and time stamps in ISO8601 format
Updated to Advanced Workflow Engine version that includes several bug fixes
Event Rules are now saved in JSON (instead of XML) for import/export
Workspaces changes:
Added Site > Web tab to configure web portals and their features. (Replaces Workspaces tabs.)
Now support moving files between Workspaces
Added ability to retain Workspaces files on disk after link has expired
Password-protected pickup - Allow or require senders to require recipients to provide a, out-of-band passcode before accessing files
Securely send an email without an attachment (applies to browser-based sends and the Outlook Add-In)