Backing Up and Restoring Your Data

The Backups folder in the ArcusManagementVFS (available in the WTC or via FTP) is used to upload or edit a backuppolicy.json file to enable data backup to our Azure storage, or to initiate a file recovery action from your Azure storage. The backuppolicy.json file should specify the retention period, and days for the backup to run, in addition to enabling the backup. The backup process is run by the Microsoft Azure systems. The backuppolicy.json file simply enables/disables the backup.

  • The backup policy is DISABLED by default. You must enable the policy to run the backup (by changing the enablepolicy in the JSON file to true), then disable it to stop backing up.

  • The process (run by Microsoft Azure’s systems) creates a new folder every time it runs. It does not overwrite previous backups. Azure charges for each backup; therefore, it is important that you disable the backup policy in the JSON after you’ve backed up. For example, suppose you have created a policy to backup your storage every day. Azure will backup your storage every day until you disable your backups, and you will be charged for every copy of your backup—which occurs for every backup.  It is recommended that you delete or download any extra backups to avoid extra storage costs.

  • EFT Arcus is not meant for data storage, but rather for file exchange. You should transfer the data you want to store to an alternate storage location either in the cloud or on premises.

  • The backup process does not back up configuration settings, certificates, logs, ARM dumps, users, and so on. The backup only backs up data on your Site that is in the /Usr/ subfolders.

  • The Backups/Status folder will contain your "receipt" for the backup with a timestamp. The timezone is based on the Azure region in which your EFT Arcus is deployed.

  • It is important to note that the backup/restore procedures are NOT interactive. It happens on Azure’s schedule.

To enable, disable, or delete backups

  1. In the WTC, log in as the Arcus Management Template administrator user.

  2. Open the Backups folder, then download backuppolicy.json file.

  3. Open backuppolicy.json in a text editor. This is the format of the JSON file:


      "retentionDurationInDays": "60",


      "action": "enable"



    "retentionDurationInDays" =  The timespan that your backup will be retained. Value should be between 1 and 180 days

    "runTime" = The daily run time schedule of the backup job. Minutes should be in increments of 30. Seconds should be set to 0.

    "action" = The action that needs to be performed on the backups. Three action values are supported:

    • enable - Enabled backup protection and starts daily backup of data file share.

    • disable - Disables backup protection and stops daily backup of data file share. Previous backups and restore points are still available.

    • delete - Deletes a backup

  4. Save the JSON file, then upload it to the Backups folder overwriting the backuppolicy.json file in that folder.

View Backup Status Messages

When a backup is created, a status message file is created and saved in the Backups folder.

To view backup status messages

  1. Login as an Arcus Management Template administrator user (Web Transfer Client / FTP)

  2. Navigate to \Backups folder

  3. Download and view the BackupLog.txt file

Success Messages (Examples)

  • Backup Enabled:  "08-13-2019 20 59 04: Backup has been enabled for your file share. Files would be backed up at 4:30:0 daily. You can restore a file or folder by uploading a restore configuration file with a restore point."

  • Backup Disabled: "08-14-2019 20 54 37: Backup has been successfully disabled. Files will no longer be backed up. You can still restore a file or folder from an earlier restore point."

  • Backup Deleted: "08-15-2019 20 54 37: Backup protection has been turned off and all restore points have been deleted."

Restore Files

You can restore backups and then, after restoring files, you can view a list of restore points and restore a file or folder based on date.

To view restore files

  1. Login as an Arcus Management Template administration user (WTC / FTP).

  2. Navigate to \Backups\Restore folder.

  3. Upload restoreconfig.json file in the following format:


      "RestorePointDate": "2019-07-10",




    • "RestorePointDate" = Used to trigger a restore from the given date

    • "FilePath" = This could be a file or folder. Note, a folder must end with a "/"

  4. To update the Restore Point, delete the existing restoreconfig.json file and upload an updated file to the same location.

To view restore status messages

  1. Log in as Arcus Management Template administration user (WTC / FTP).

  2. Navigate to \Backups\Restore folder.

  3. Download and view the RestoreLog.txt file. Examples of success messages:

    • Restore Initiated: "08-13-2019 20 49 50: Restore In-Progress for file path <path> Please wait for a completed status for this restore job, before initiating another restore."

    • Restore Completed: "08-13-2019 20 50 57: Restore for <path> was completed at 08/13/2019 20:50:47. You can now start another Restore."

To view a list of restore points

  1. Log in as Arcus Management Template administration user (WTC / FTP).

  2. Navigate to \Backups\Restore folder.

  3. Download and view the RestorePoints.txt file.

Error Messages

Error Message will be appended in the backup and restore log files:

  • Could not Enable Backup – "Error: Could not enable Recovery Service Backup. Status of the container is <status>."

  • Failed to Delete Backup – "Failed to turn off backup."

  • When no restore points are found for a restore job – "Restore point not found. Please input a valid restore point"

  • If no action parameter is provided in the backup json file - "Please provide an action parameter in the backuppolicy.json file"

  • Invalid retention Period - "Invalid Retention Days specified in backuppolicy.json. Please specify a value between 1 and 180"

  • Invalid runtime - "Please provide a valid daily runtime of the backup job"

  • Invalid Json File - "Invalid backuppolicy json file. Please make sure the backuppolicy json file is correct."

  • Invalid Restore Point - "Please mention a valid restore point. Restore point cannot be empty"

  • Invalid restore Path - "Please mention a valid file path to restore. If restoring a folder, please append the file path with '/'"