Custom Email Notifications

Using the Arcus Management Template, you can edit the email notification templates to customize them for your organization and language.

To edit an email notification template

  1. In the WTC, log in as an Arcus Management Template administration user.

  2. In the /Downloads/EmailTemplates/ folder, download the applicable template(s) to edit. (See the list below.)

  3. Make a copy of the template for backup, then open the template in a text editor such as Notepad.

  4. Edit the text as needed, being careful not to delete the variables (%USER.EMAIL_ADDRESS%, %WS_OWNER_NAME%, %FOLDER_NAME%, %LINK%), then save the file and close the text editor. (The WS_ variables are not Event Rule variables.)

  5. Upload the edited template to the /Custom/Email/ folder.

Listed below are the available templates. The files are named per their function:

  • CredentialsEmail.tpl - Sent when account credentials have been created or modified.

  • PasswordResetConfirm.html - Password change request; click on link to reset.

  • PasswordResetMsg.html - Password for account %USER.LOGIN% has expired. Go to %SITE.ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT_URL% to reset.

  • PasswordResetReminderMsg.html - Password will expire in %DAYS_LEFT%

  • PasswordResetUnauthorized.html - Password change was requested from %REMOTE_IP%.

  • UsernameResend.txt - Provides username to user.

  • WorkspaceNotification.txt - Used to notify the Workspace owner that a recipient took an action on a file.

  • WorkspacesAdminAddedParticipantMsg.html - Used to notify recipients that a Workspace was shared with them.

  • WorkspacesInviteRegisterMsg.html - Used to notify recipients that a Workspace was shared with them and they are invited to register an account on EFT.

  • WorkspacesInviteVerifyMsg.html - Sent after recipient has registered for an EFT account and needs to verify the account.

  • WorkspacesOAIEmail.html - Notification to recipients that a file has been sent from Outlook.

  • WorkspacesOAIEmail.txt - Text version of the notification to recipients that a file has been sent from Outlook.

  • WorkspacesOAIEmailWithSecureMB.html - Notification to recipients that a file has been sent from Outlook with secure message body.

  • WorkspacesOAIEmailWithSecureMB.txt - Text version of the notification to recipients that a file has been sent from Outlook with secure message body.

  • WorkspacesRequestFileEmail.html - Notification to sender that a file has been requested.

  • WorkspacesRequestFileEmail.txt - Text version of the notification to sender that a file has been requested.