Using Report Filters

You can filter the fields in a report based on various conditions to display only the data that meet the filtering criteria.

The Report Filters area contains two sets of combo boxes, operands (AND, OR), and a text box.

Use the second set of filters to further define the report using AND or OR.

For example, to show only changes made by TommyToad and June.Bug, set the following filters:

  1. In the first combo box, click Change Originator.

  2. In the second combo box, click the equals sign ( = ).

  3. Type June Bug in the text box.

  4. Click OR.

  5. In the bottom filter, click Change Originator, equals, and type Tommy Toad.

  6. Specify a date range, and then click Show Report.

  7. The report now displays only changes made by administrators TommyToad or June.Bug.

(If you had clicked AND instead of OR, nothing would appear, because no changes can be made by 2 administrators at the same time.)