User Variables

User name, login information, etc.

Text Displayed Variable Description
User can connect using FTP


Indicates whether user is allowed to connect using FTP (Yes or No)

User can connect using SFTP


Indicates whether user is allowed to connect using SFTP (Yes or No)

User can connect using SSL


Indicates whether user is allowed to connect using SSL (Yes or No)

User can change password


Indicates whether the user is allowed to change the login password (Yes or No)



Text in the Comment box, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box

Custom 1


Text in the Custom 1 box, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box

Custom 2


Text in the Custom 2 box, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box

Custom 3


Text in the Custom 3 box, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box



Description of the user account, as defined on the General tab

DUNS Number


A user's organization's "DUNS number"; (The Data Universal Numbering System, DUNS, is a proprietary system developed and regulated by Dun & Bradstreet that assigns a unique numeric identifier to a single business entity.)

email Address


email address of the user, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box. You can pass multiple addresses to the Advanced Workflow Engine using this variable.

Account Enabled


User account is enabled:(Yes or No

Account Expiration Date


Date in the default system locale when user account expired: Date , or Never

Account Expiration Date in ISO8601 format


Displays the account expiration date in ISO8601 format



Fax Number


Fax number of the user, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box

Full Name


Full name of the user, if defined on the User Account Details dialog box

(GDPR) User EU data subject status


User is an EU data subject: Yes, No, or Unknown

(GDPR) User consent to privacy policy


User consented to the privacy policy: Unknown, Agreed (implicit), Agreed (explicit), Disagreed, or Withdrawn.

(GDPR) User agreement to terms of service


User agreed to the terms of service: Unknown, Agreed (implicit), Agreed (explicit), Disagreed, or Withdrawn.

(GDPR) Reason given


Reason the user exercised privacy rights (used with "Right exercised" variable)

(GDPR) Right exercised


User has exercised the "right to be forgotten": Yes, No, or Unknown

(GDPR) Right exercised per Article ID


Article ID is applicable to the right exercised by the user (used with "Right exercised" variable)



Lists groups of which the user is a member

Home Folder


User's home folder

Home IP


IP address of the user

Home Folder is Root


Treat Home Folder as Root check box is selected: Yes or No

Invalid login attempts


Number of invalid login attempts by the user

User is locked out


Indicates whether user account is locked

Last Login Date


Provides the date and time (in the default system locale) the user last logged in to EFT

Logon Name


Login username of the user

Pager Number


Pager number of the user, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box

Logon Password


Login password of the user

Password Expiration Date


Provides date/time in the default system locale when the user account is set to expire, or Never

Password Expiration Date in ISO8601 format


Password Expiration Date in ISO8601 format



Phone Number


Phone number of the user, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box

Consent status


Returns the status of the Privacy Policy: Unknown, Granted (implicit), Granted (explicit), Denied, Rescinded

Quota Max


Max disk space specified for the user

Quota Used


Amount of disk space in use by the user

User Must Change Password at Next Login


Indicates whether user is required to reset the account password at first log in (Yes or No).

Settings Template

%USER.SETTINGS_LEVEL% Settings Template of the user

Using Remote Agent

%USER.AGENT% Indicates whether the user is using a Remote Agent (Yes or No)