Restart Action


Closes Windows and restarts the computer. On Windows NT/2000/XP any computer on the network may be specified. Windows 95/98/ME supports restarting the current machine only.

Example 1: Administrators could create and deploy a Workflow with this action to force restart the system after an Automated Workflow installation or file update has taken place.

Example 2: After modifications are made to the registry using the Registry <AMREGISTRY> action the system could be restarted to allow the changes to take effect on the system.


<AMRESTART FORCE="yes/no" DELAY="number" MESSAGE="text" COMPUTER="text">



<AMRESTART FORCE="YES" DELAY="5" MESSAGE="Save your documents and dive for cover - your system is goin' down" COMPUTER="\\MACHINE9">

General Tab  Parameters

Specify to Restart local machine or Restart a remote computer.

Computer to restart: Specifies the machine to restart. This can be any valid machine name on the Windows network. In visual mode a dropdown is provided for convenience in selecting a machine name. If not specified the current machine is assumed. Automated Workflow must also be running under a user account that has privileges/rights to reboot other machines (such as an administrator account). Due to operating system limitations this parameter is not supported on Windows 95/98/ME systems; on these systems the current machine is assumed.

Text, Optional - default "localmachinename"

Prompt user to log off: Specifies that Windows should display a dialog to the user with a countdown notifying the user that the system is about to be restarted to give the user time to save his/her work. Due to operating system limitations this parameter is not supported on Windows 95/98/ME systems.

Yes\No, Optional - NO

Shut down after: Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours) that Windows should display the restart notification dialog box. This parameter is only valid if the "Prompt user to log off" parameter is YES. Due to operating system limitations this parameter is not supported on Windows 95/98/ME systems.

Number, Optional - default - 5

Message to display in the shut down dialog box: Specifies a user-definable message that windows should display the restart notification dialog. This parameter is only valid if the "Prompt user to log off" parameter is YES. The message will be displayed for the number of seconds specified in the "Seconds" parameter. Due to operating system limitations this parameter is not supported on Windows 95/98/ME systems.

Text, Optional - default (none)
MARKUP: MESSAGE="Please begin to panic now"

Force the system to shut-down without notifying applications: Specifies that the system should shut down immediately without notifying and waiting for applications to return that they are ready to close.

Yes/No, Optional - default NO

See Also

Shut Down, Log Off