Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) Actions

Description: Amazon SES provides an easy, flexible, and low-cost way to deliver e-mails from the cloud, while reducing the possibility of legitimate e-mail being classified as spam. It integrates effortlessly with other Amazon Web Service (AWS) products, can send a broad range of business, marketing, and subscription messages, and easily handles large volumes of e-mail. With Amazon SES, applications can send as many e-mail messages as needed, as often as necessary. All aspects of e-mail management, such as standards compliance, monitoring and security are built into Amazon SES, so administrators can focus on more significant business matters.

IMPORTANT: The AWS SES activities are performed using Amazon's Simple Email Service engine, therefore, launching and operating Amazon SES requires a valid Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

Available Activities

The list of activities for this action are arranged below in alphabetical order. For more information about a specific activity, click the related link. 



AWS SES - Create session

Creates a unique session used to run a specific SES operation. Multiple sessions can exist in a single task allowing simultaneous SES executions to take place.

AWS SES - Delete identity

Deletes the specified identity (email address or domain) from the list of verified identities.

AWS SES - End session

Ends a session previously started by the Create session activity.

AWS SES - List identities

Retrieves a list containing all of the identities (email addresses and domains) for a specific AWS Account, regardless of verification status and populates a dataset with the results.

AWS SES - Send e-mail

Composes an e-mail message based on input data, and then immediately queues the message for sending.

AWS SES - Send e-mail statistics

Retrieves the user's sending statistics and populates a dataset with the results.

AWS SES - Verify identity

Verifies an e-mail address. This activity causes a confirmation e-mail message to be sent to the specified address.