Dialog Actions

Description: In a graphical user interface of computers, a dialog box is a type of window used to enable communication or "dialog" between a computer and its user. It can communicate explicit information to the user, prompt the user for a response, or both. A dialog box is most often used to provide the user a means for specifying how to implement a command, or to respond to a question or an alert.

Advanced Workflows contain six separate dialog activities, each displaying its own unique dialog window during runtime. The type of dialog displayed is dependent upon the desired user interaction. Additionally, a Custom Dialog activity can be used to create your own dialog boxes in situations where a normal Windows message box may not be sufficient enough.

Available Activities

The following table briefly describes the available activities for this action (in alphabetical order). Click the appropriate link for more details regarding a specific activity.



Dialog - Custom

Displays a custom built dialog box.

Dialog - Message

Displays a message box using the settings specified. A message box is useful when notification and/or user input is required in a task.

Dialog - Save file

Displays a standard Windows 'Save As' dialog box allowing the user to save a specific file. The file name and location specified is stored in a variable for use in subsequent steps. Execution is paused while the user makes a selection.

Dialog - Selection

Displays an auto-generated multiple choice dialog box based on the options you specify. This is useful when a multiple-choice selection is required or the user must make a decision that will affect which subsequent activity should be executed by the task. The value associated with the item that the user selects is placed into a variable where it can be evaluated in later steps.