Using the Connection Wizard
To transfer files, you must log on to that server through your client computer. The Connection Wizard helps you to define a "Site" through which you can connect to an FTP server and saves the information in the Site Manager for future connections. (Refer to Adding a Site to the Site Manager for other protocol connections.)
The Internet Service Provider (ISP) or Web Hosting Provider to which you want to upload files provides you with the username, password, and FTP account information required to connect to their server. Globalscape support does NOT have this information. Many providers offer their connection information on their Web support pages. Search your provider's support pages for keyword ftp.
To connect to an FTP site
Gather the information that you need to make a connection to an FTP site.
Host Address - the IP address or FTP domain address that your ISP gave you to log in to the FTP site (e.g., or
User Name - the user name your ISP gave you to log in to the FTP site. Your username is often the part of your email address in front of the @ sign.
Password - the password your ISP gave you to log in to the FTP site. This is often the same password you use to download your email.
- Site Name - By default, the Site Name is the same as the Host Address, but you can name it anything you want; it is not provided by your ISP or Globalscape.
The Connection Wizard appears the first time you open CuteFTP. Otherwise, do one of the following:
On the main menu, click File >Connect > Connection Wizard.
On the toolbar, click the Connection Wizard icon
Press CTRL+J.
The Connection Wizard appears.
Do one of the following:
To password protect your Site Manager information, click Password Protect My Site Manager Now.
Provide your password for the Site Manager, then click OK.
Select the Do not show this warning again check box, then click Next if you choose not to password protect your Site Manager and do not want to see this warning again.
In the Host Address field, type the IP address or FTP domain address that your ISP gave you to log in to the FTP site.
The address that you typed in the Host Address field appears in the Site Name field. You can leave it as is, or type a descriptive name for this site. The site name will appear on the Site Manager tab. You can name it anything you want.
Click Next. The login page appears.
In the User Name box, type the user name your ISP gave you to log in to the FTP site.
In the Password box, type the password your ISP gave you to log in to the FTP site.
Specify a login method from the following options.
Normal - The user name and password are mandatory to connect to a site.
Anonymous - The site does not require any user name and password.
Double - The user name and password are required twice to connect to a site.
Click Next. The Connecting to Site message appears.
If you need to change the host address or do not want to log in, click Cancel.
If the connection fails, an error message appears. Click Yes to close the message, then click Back to verify/correct the host address, username, and password. (If the connection fails again, refer to Troubleshooting.)
If an Accept Certificate dialog box appears, click Accept.
If a message asking if you want to add the certificate to your trusted list, click Yes. (Adding the certificate to your trusted list prevents the message from appearing each time you try to connect.)
After you are connected to the FTP site, the default folders page appears.
In the Default Local Folder field, click the folder icon
to browse for the default folder on your computer from which you want to transfer files to/from the remote server.
(Optional) In the Default Remote Folder field, type the path of the remote folder from/to which you want to transfer files.
Click Next, then click Finish. Cute FTP connects to the site and saves the site in the Site Manager.
For subsequent connections to this FTP site, refer to Connecting to a Site.
Refer to Configuring Connection Options for details of how to configure the number of simultaneous connections you will allow from CuteFTP, number of times CuteFTP tries to connect to a site before giving up, how long CuteFTP should wait before attempting a new connection after a failed connection, and so on.