Searching for Files on a Site

You can search for files on a local or a remote site.

To search for files on a remote site

  1. Connect to the site

  2. Click Tools > Search. The Search dialog box appears.

  3. Type the name of the file or folder you are searching for. You can use wildcards (e.g., *.txt).

  4. (Optional) In the Search in box, type or Browse for the location in which to search.

  5. (Optional) To search in subfolders, select the Include subfolders check box.

  6. Click Start. Search results appear bottom pane.

  7. Double-click a matching result to go directly to that folder in CuteFTP Mac with the item you double-clicked selected. You can then transfer the item using drag and drop.

  8. If the file or folder you want appears in the results, or the search continues for a long time and you want to narrow your search and start over, click Stop.