Introduction to the Accelerate Module

(Available in EFT Enterprise) File transfers over TCP/IP are limited by maximum segment size, round trip time, and packet loss. Over large geographical distances, round trip time (RTT) and potential for packet loss suffer and cause the amount of data transferred to decrease. Companies who need to react quickly to stimuli from geographically remote locations require a file transfer solution that is faster than TCP/IP can provide more tailored to the specific challenges of wide area networks.

The Accelerate module for EFT:

  • Uses a reliable implementation of UDP powered by patented technology from Data Expedition, Incorporated.

  • Improves the time to destination, thereby reducing response times, helping you meet service-level agreements (SLAs) for transferred files. Delays in the delivery of important files can make business come to a halt. Plans are delayed, meetings are rescheduled, and business partners lose faith in your ability to deliver. Delayed file transfers can affect your bottom line in the form of penalties or fines for unfulfilled agreements or canceled contracts due to slow response times. Companies who need to react quickly to information from geographically separated locations require a file transfer solution more tailored to the specific challenges of wide areas.

  • Constantly adapts to changing conditions of latency, congestion, packet loss, throttling, and any other variations it sees in the network so it can take up as much bandwidth as it can without impairing the performance of other connections that are sharing the same pipe.  

  • Decreases the time it takes to upload and download files between EFT servers that have long distances between them.

  • Can use any authentication mode in EFT.

  • Is not available with the AS2 module.

  • Supports only the HTTPS protocol.

  • Supported only on Windows-based systems.

  • Only one EFT Site at a time may do accelerated transfers.

  • Requires the latest Windows DMZ Gateway® release 3.4.0 or later. While configured and controlled via EFT, the actual acceleration occurs via DMZ to DMZ.

  • The Accelerate module/FAST protocol is not supported on Linux versions of DMZ Gateway.

  • Can be used in the Copy/Move Action and Download Action of Event Rules, and by end users after downloading scClient.

  • Provides a secure, fast, uncomplicated method of uploading large files to the home office, with a simple point-and-click, preconfigured scClient.

  • Decreases the time it takes to upload and download files to/from EFT in remote locations when using scClient.