Installing DMZ Gateway on a non-Windows System

The installation process on each non-Windows operating system is the same, with a few minor differences. The basic process of installation can be described as follows:

  1. Copy the appropriate installer archive file (.tgz) to the target machine.

  2. Extract the contents of the installer archive. The archive contains two files: an installation script and an archive of the actual program files.

  3. Run the installation script as root and follow the prompts.

The process for supported non-Windows operating systems is described below. (For installation on Windows systems, refer to Installing DMZ Gateway.)

The installation script includes registering and starting the DMZ Gateway server daemon (configuring it to auto-start on system start and auto-stop on system stop). Alternately, you can start the server manually using the command <InstallDir>/bin/dmzgatewayd start. Refer to Manually Registering and Deregistering the DMZ Gateway Server Daemon if you decide not to register the daemon during the installation process.

Installing DMZ Gateway on RedHat or SuSE Linux 32-Bit or 64-Bit

To install DMZ Gateway

  1. Transfer the appropriate DMZ Gateway Linux installer archive to a convenient directory on the target machine.

  2. On the target machine, open a terminal window. The installation package must be run with root privileges. If not already logged on as the root user, change to root using the su command in the terminal window:


  3. Change to the directory containing the installer archive and perform the following:

    • On 32-bit systems:

    • gunzip dmz-gateway-linux-x86-32.tgz

      tar xvf dmz-gateway-linux-x86-32.tar


    • On 64-bit systems:

    • gunzip dmz-gateway-linux-x86-64.tgz

      tar xvf dmz-gateway-linux-x86-64.tar


  4. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

    • You are prompted to accept the license agreement, and to specify the installation and configuration directories (e.g., /opt/dmzgateway), etc.

    • After everything is installed, you are prompted to register and start the DMZ Gateway daemon service.

    • If you start the service, you can execute the DMZ Gateway Administration interface script (e.g., type: /opt/dmzgateway/bin/DMZGatewayAdmin).

Refer to the example below for details of the installation process.

Installing DMZ Gateway on Ubuntu Linux 32-Bit or 64-Bit

To install DMZ Gateway

  1. Transfer the DMZ Gateway installer archive into a convenient directory on the target machine.

  2. On the target machine, open a terminal window.

  3. Change to the directory containing the installer archive and perform the following:

    • On 32-bit systems:

    • gunzip dmz-gateway-linux-x86-32.tgz

      tar xvf dmz-gateway-linux-x86-32.tar

      sudo ./

  4. On 64-bit systems:

    gunzip dmz-gateway-linux-x86-64.tgz

    tar xvf dmz-gateway-linux-x86-64.tar

    sudo ./

  5. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

    • You are prompted to accept the license agreement, and to specify the installation and configuration directories (by default, /opt/dmzgateway), etc.

    • After everything is installed, you are prompted to register and start the DMZ Gateway daemon service.

    • If you start the service, you can execute the DMZ Gateway Administration interface script (e.g., type: /opt/dmzgateway/bin/DMZGatewayAdmin).

Refer to the example below for details of the installation process.

Solaris x86 32-Bit or 64-Bit

To install DMZ Gateway

  1. Transfer the appropriate DMZ Gateway installer archive to a convenient directory on the target machine.

  2. On the target machine, open a terminal window. The installation package must be run with root privileges. If not already logged on as the root user, change to root using the su command in the terminal window:


  3. Change to the directory containing the installer archive and perform the following:

    • On 32-bit systems:

      gunzip dmz-gateway-solaris-x86-32.tgz

      tar xvf dmz-gateway-solaris-x86-32.tar


    • On 64-bit systems:

    • gunzip dmz-gateway-solaris-x86-64.tgz

      tar xvf dmz-gateway-solaris-x86-64.tar


  4. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

    • You are prompted to accept the license agreement, and to specify the installation and configuration directories (e.g., /opt/dmzgateway), etc.

    • After everything is installed, you are prompted to register and start the DMZ Gateway daemon service.

    • If you start the service, you can execute the DMZ Gateway Administration interface script (e.g., type: /opt/dmzgateway/bin/DMZGatewayAdmin).

Refer to the example below for details of the installation process.

Example of Installation Process

Below is an example of executing the script on a Solaris x86 32-bit computer.

== License Agreement ==

OMITTED – End-user License Agreement

Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no]: yes [ENTER]

== Choose Install Location ==

Please specify the path into which the DMZ Gateway program files will be installed or press "Enter" to accept the default.

Specify installation directory [/opt/dmzgateway]: [ENTER]

== Choose Configuration Location ==

Please specify the path in which to store the DMZ Gateway Server configuration settings or press "Enter" to accept the default.

Specify configuration directory [/opt/dmzgateway]: /export/home/appdata [ENTER]

== Choose Installation Owner ==

Please specify the user account name to use as the owner of the installed files.

Specify owner [root]: [ENTER]

== Choose Installation Group ==

Please specify the user group name to use as the group of the installed files.

Specify group [root]: [ENTER]

== Confirm Settings ==

Installation directory:  /opt/dmzgateway Configuration directory: /export/home/appdata Installation owner:      root Installation group:      root

Are these settings correct? [yes or no]: yes [ENTER]

Creating directory "/opt/dmzgateway"

Creating directory "/export/home/appdata"

Unpacking archive...

Extracting files...

OMITTED - Extracted Program File List

Unpacking JRE...

Extracting JRE...

OMITTED - Extracted Java Runtime Environment File List

Removing temporary files...

Updating permissions...

Updating ownership...

Updating configuration file...

== Register Service ==

The installation script can attempt to register the DMZ Gateway Server daemon service (dmzgatewayd) for automatic startup and shutdown.

Register the DMZ Gateway Server daemon service? [yes or no]: yes

Creating symbolic link "/etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd"...

Registering system daemon...

ln -sf /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd /etc/rc0.d/K99dmzgatewayd

ln -sf /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd /etc/rc1.d/K99dmzgatewayd

ln -sf /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd /etc/rc2.d/S99dmzgatewayd

ln -sf /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd /etc/rc3.d/S99dmzgatewayd

== Start Service ==

The installation script can attempt to start the DMZ Gateway Server daemon service (dmzgatewayd).

Start the DMZ Gateway Server daemon service? [yes or no]:  yes [ENTER]

Executing: /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd start

-n Starting DMZ Gateway Server...

== Installation Complete ==

The DMZ Gateway is now installed.

The DMZ Gateway Server daemon service may be controlled using the "dmzgatewayd" script:   


The DMZ Gateway Administration Interface may be started using the script:    
