Viewing User Statistics

In the administration interface, you can view the connection status of a user in real time, historical activity, and account administration activities.

To view statistics of a user

  1. In the administration interface, connect to EFT and click the Server tab.

  2. On the Server tab, click the user that you want to monitor.

  3. In the right pane, click the General tab. The statistics for the selected user appear in the Statistics area.

    • Status: Displays "Connected" or "Not connected". You can also forcibly disconnect a user by clicking Kick User.

    • Last time connected: Displays the date and time that the user last connected to EFT.

    • Account created: Displays the date and time that the user account was created.

    • Last modified by: Displays the username of the administrator account that created the user account.

    • Last modified time: Displays the date and time that the user account was last modified.

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