AS2 Conditions

You can apply AS2 Conditions to File Uploaded and AS2-related events. (AS2 available with EFT Enterprise)

  • If AS2 Content Type. Tests whether the AS2 content matches the specified content type.

    1. Add the Condition to a Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the content type does/does not equal to [specific AS2 content type]. Click [specific AS2 content type] to open the Select Content Type dialog box.

    3. Click the Select Content Type drop-down list to specify a (X12, EDIFACT, XML, EDIConsent, Binary, Plaintext).

    4. Click OK.

  • If AS2 Partner ID. Tests whether the AS2 Partner ID matches the specified mask.

    1. Add the Condition to a Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the partner ID does/does not equal to [specific AS2 Partner ID]. Click [specific AS2 Partner ID] to open the Partner Identifier dialog box.

    3. Click the Select AS2 partner ID drop-down list to specify a partner.

    4. Click OK.

You can also specify the AS2 protocol with the If Protocol Condition described in Connection Conditions.