EFT Context Variables

EFT uses context variables to pull data from the database. The variable contains specific information about an Event. You can use the variables below in Event Rules, e-mail notifications, Commands, and Advanced Workflows.

In the AWE module, variables cannot contain periods; therefore, in each variable that contains a period, the period is replaced with an underscore. For example, % CONNECTION.LOCAL_IP% is % CONNECTION_LOCAL_IP% in the AWE module.

How to Use the Variables

In the Variables box, click a property that you want to insert.

  • If you just want the information contained to the variable, click the variable in the right column of the Variables box.

  • If you want the information and a label, click the text in the left column of the Variables box.

For example, if you click Event Time in the left column the label "Event Time" and the time are displayed. If you select %EVENT.TIME% in the right column, the time will be displayed without a text label.

For example, when you create an Event Rule, you can configure an e-mail to be sent when the Event occurs. In the Edit Mail Template dialog box, you can send the default e-mail or you can add one or more variables listed in the Variables box at the bottom of the e-mail. Each of the variables defined in EFT is described below; however, not all of the variables described below are available in the e-mail notification. In the e-mail notification, you can specify to display the text along with the value of the variable (e.g., File Creation Date: 8/28/2007), or just the value of the variable (e.g., 8/28/2007).

Suppose you configured this e-mail notification:

You then uploaded a file on August 28, 2007 at 10:01:56. The e-mail would appear similar to the following:

This message was sent to you automatically by EFT on the following Event: File Uploaded.

Event Time: 28 Aug 07 10:01:56

File Creation Date: 8/28/2007

File Creation Time: 10:01:56

Event Date Stamp: 20070828

Event Time Stamp: 100156


In Event Rules and Commands with a defined path or filename, do not use variables that add invalid filename characters, such as a slash, colon, parenthesis, etc.

For example, you cannot use %FS.FILE_CREATE_DATE% and %FS.FILE_CREATE_TIME% for file naming, because the output of these variables is DD/MM/YYYY and HH:MM:SS and the forward slash (/) and colon (:) are not valid characters for filenames.

In most cases, the file created date and time is the same as the Event triggered time, therefore you can use %EVENT.DATESTAMP% (YYYYMMDD) and %EVENT.TIMESTAMP% (HHMMSS) when renaming files (because they do not use invalid characters), and %FS.FILE_CREATE_DATE% and %FS.FILE_CREATE_TIME% for e-mail notifications.

For example, suppose an OnUpload Event Rule causes an Offload Action that moves myfile.txt to the following path:


The resulting path is:


Advanced Workflow Variables

Text Displayed



Advanced Workflow Name


Workflow name

Advanced Workflow Log Path


Workflow log path

Advanced Workflow Error Code


Workflow error code

Advanced Workflow Error Description


Workflow error description

Advanced Workflow Error Line


Workflow error line

Advanced Workflow Result Code


Workflow result code displayed in the Windows Event Log and others

Advanced Workflow Result Description


Workflow result description displayed in the Windows Event Log and others

Advanced Workflow Execution Time (ms)


Workflow execution time (ms)

AS2 Variables

Text Displayed


Value Contained in Variable

AS2 Content Type


Transfer's content type: Application,  EDIFACT, XML, Mutually defined EDI, Binary, Plaintext

AS2 Direction


Direction of the transfer



EFT ID used in this transfer

AS2 Host


Address of the host being sent to (outbound) or received from (inbound)

AS2 Local MIC


Local AS2 message identification code (MIC)



Message Disposition Notification. The Internet messaging format used to convey a receipt.

AS2 Message ID


AS2 message identifier

AS2 Partner ID


Transaction partner's AS2 ID

AS2 Payload


Name of the file (or an array of file names if MA is used) being transferred over the AS2 session

AS2 Remote MIC


Remote AS2 message identification code (MIC)

AS2 Transaction Error


Error (if any) in the AS2 transaction

AS2 Transaction Result


Overall transaction result (In Progress, Failure, or Success) of the in-context AS2 transaction

AS2 Transaction Verbose


Verbose message for the AS2 transaction

Cloud Variables

Text Displayed



Cloud Object Content Length


Object's size in bytes

Cloud Object Content MD5


Base64-encoded 128-bitMD5 digest of the object

Cloud Object Date


Object's date from meta data

Cloud Object Last Modified


Object's date last modified

Cloud Object Version ID


From x-amz-version-id, which is the object version

Cloud Object Key Name


Exact object name (e.g., 4my$-organization, or my.great_photos-2014/jan/myvacation.jpg

File Change


Operation of file change (create, delete, and rename)

Connection Variables

Text Displayed



HTTP Query String
(EFT Enterprise only)


HTTP header string

HTTP Headers List
(EFT Enterprise only)


HTTP header list

Local IP


Local IP address used to connect

Local Port


Local port used to connect



Protocol used to connect

Remote IP


Remote IP address used to connect

Using Web Transfer Client


Indicates whether the user connected via the Web Transfer client

Event Variables

Text Displayed



Event Date Stamp


Date that the Event was triggered, e.g., 20070828
(suitable for file naming)

Event Full Name


User-defined name for the Event Rule (e.g., My File Renamed Event Rule)

Event Name


Server-defined name for the Event trigger (e.g., File Renamed)

Event Reason


Action completed successfully or Action Failed

Event Time


Date and time that the Event was triggered, e.g., 28 Aug 07 10:01:56
(This variable isnotsuitable for file naming because of the colons; use %EVENT.DATESTAMP% and %EVENT.TIMESTAMP%  when using variables for a filename.)

Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


Time to the millisecond when Event was triggered (e.g., Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds): 154207233)

Event Timestamp


Time that the Event was triggered, e.g., 100156
(suitable for file naming)

Event Transaction ID
(EFT Enterprise only)


The Transaction ID as logged by the database EFT is connected to (with ARM). This ID can be used to backtrack and find it in the database manually or to generate queries to the database.

Folder Monitor Failure Reason


Reason why the Folder Monitor Rule failed.

Folder Monitor Health


Health of network share

File System Variables

Text Displayed



Report File


The full path of the report generated by the Generate Report Action, including the file name. This variable can be used in copy/move, OpenPGP, and custom commands that have a failure Event defined, but should not be used for custom command actions that do not have a failure Event defined.)

In some cases, it may be more appropriate to use %FS.REPORT_CONTENT% because this variable represents a copy of the contents of the file rather than a link to the file, which is only good so long as the file exists. For example, since the file will be deleted when EFT stops processing the Event Rule, do not use this variable in e-mail notifications; use %FS.REPORT_CONTENT% instead.

Report Content


Contents of the report generated by the Generate Report Action. This variable is typically used after creation of an HTML report, in an email notification action, where it is desirable to embed the HTML contents of the report as the email body.

Report File Name


The name of a report file created by a Generate Report action. This variable is typically used after creation of a PDF report file, in an email notification, to provide the destination path for the report file after a Copy/Move action deposits it in a more permanent location.

Virtual Path


Original virtual location of the file

Physical Path


Original physical location of the file

File Change


File change that triggered the Event (added, removed, etc.) Used in Folder Monitor rules

Virtual Folder Name


The structure of the virtual folders

Physical Folder Name


Name of the physical folder

Base File Name


Name of the file without the extension

File Name


Name of the file with the extension

File Size


Size of the file involved in the Event

File Creation Date


Date the file was created, in the format YYYY/MM/DD, e.g., 8/28/2007 (not suitable for file naming because of the slashes)

File Creation Time


Time the file was created, in the format HH:MM:SS, e.g., 10:01:56 (not suitable for file naming because of the colons)

Virtual Destination Path


Virtual destination path of the file involved in the Event

Physical Destination Path


Physical destination path of the file

Physical Destination Folder Name


Physical destination folder

Destination File Name


Destination file name

Compressed File Physical Path


Physical path to the compressed file

Compressed File Name


Name of the compressed file with the extension

Compressed File Base Name


Name of the compressed file without the extension

Remote Agent Context Variables

The Remote Agent Context Variables can be used in Event Rules. Each of the variables is described below. For more information about using context variables in EFT, refer to EFT Context Variables (List).

Text Displayed



Remote Agent Name


Computer name of remote system running the Remote Agent, enumerated if there is more than one Agent with that name.

Remote Agent Version


Version of Remote Agent update

Remote Agent Last Update Time Stamp


Date of last Remote Agent update

Remote Agent Next Update Time Stamp


Date of next scheduled Remote Agent update

Remote Agent NetBIOS Name


Computer name of remote system running the agent

Remote Agent Template


Template name associated with the Agent

Remote Agent Status


Status of Remote Agent (e.g., Active, Pending, Approved, Denied, Banned)

RAM Environment Variables

The RAM can make use of environment variables in RAM Event Rules.

  • When %ENV.[value]% is used in event rules, EFT will look up the “value” portion from the systems environment variables

  • If “ENV.” does not precede the value, then it is not an event rule context variable

  • ENV.<variable> can be almost anything. In addition to system variables such as "ENV.OS" you can make up your own variables. In the example below, a file is copied to another server with the type of operating system (OS) prepended to the front of the file name.

Scheduler (Timer) Rule Variables

The %SOURCE.FILE_NAME% variable is available in the list box of Destination Folder page of the Copy/Move Action and Download Action wizards if the Rule is a Timer/Scheduler Rule.

  • If the Rule has a file operation as a trigger (Folder Monitor, On File Upload, File Renamed by Connected Client, etc.) then the variable selection list will include the %FS.*% family of variables and they will have a valid value.

  • If the Rule does not have a file operation as a trigger (Timer, User Connected, etc.) then the variable selection list will include the %SOURCE.*% family of variables.

If one of these non-file-trigger Rules contains an %FS.FILE_NAME% variable, it will be converted to %SOURCE.FILE_NAME% and a WARNING will record the change in the EFT.log.  

The %SOURCE.FILE_NAME% and %SOURCE.BASE_FILE_NAME% can be used in a Timer Rule to download a mask of files (e.g., *.xml), and then FTP offload each of those files to a remote server with a *.TMP extension (%SOURCE.BASE_FILE_NAME%.TMP). After each file transfer is complete, you can then rename each individual file back to its original name (%SOURCE.FILE_NAME%).




Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension

Server Variables

Text Displayed



Log Location


Location of the log file

New Log File Name


New name of the log file

New Log File Path


New path of the log file

Old Log File Name


Old name of the log file

Old Log File Path


Old path of the log file

Log Type


Either Standard or Verbose, per the setting on the Logs Tab

Node Name


Computer name on which EFT is running

Server Running


Indicates whether the EFT service was running when the Event was triggered. (Yes or No)

Private Key ring path


Pass the location of the private key ring to the AWE module

Public Key ring path


Pass the location of the private key ring to the AWE module

Install Directory


Directory in which the server is installed

Site Variables

Text Displayed



Account Management URL


Site account management URL,
../manageaccount:<port> (if port is not equal to 443)

Site Name


Site name.

Site Running


Indicates whether the Site was running when the Event was triggered. (Yes or No)

DMZ Gateway Address


Displays the IP address of the DMZ Gateway

DMZ Gateway Port


Displays the port of the DMZ Gateway

User Variables

Text Displayed



User can connect using FTP


Indicates whether user is allowed to connect using FTP (Yes or No)

User can connect using SFTP


Indicates whether user is allowed to connect using SFTP (Yes or No)

User can connect using SSL


Indicates whether user is allowed to connect using SSL (Yes or No)

User can change password


Indicates whether the user is allowed to change the login password (Yes or No)



Text in the Comment box, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box

Custom 1


Text in the Custom 1 box, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box

Custom 2


Text in the Custom 2 box, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box

Custom 3


Text in the Custom 3 box, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box



Description of the user account, as defined on the General tab

E-mail Address


E-mail address of the user, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box. You can pass multiple addresses to the Advanced Workflow Engine using this variable.

User is enabled


Indicates whether user account is enabled

Account Expiration Date


Indicates the date (in the default system locale) when the user account expired. Date , or Never
(See note below.)

Fax Number


Fax number of the user, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box

Full Name


Full name of the user, if defined on the User Account Details dialog box



Groups in which the user is a member

Home Folder


User's home folder

Home IP


IP address of the user

Home Folder is Root


Indicates whether the Treat Home Folder as Root check box is selected. (Yes or No)

Invalid login attempts


Number of invalid login attempts by the user

User is locked out


Indicates whether user account is locked

Last Login Date


Provides the date and time (in the default system locale) the user last logged in to EFT

Logon Name


Login username of the user

Pager Number


Pager number of the user, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box

Logon Password


Login password of the user

Password Expiration Date


Provides the date and time (in the default system locale when the user account is set to expire, or Never
(See note below.)

Phone Number


Phone number of the user, if defined in the User Account Details dialog box

Quota Max


Max disk space specified for the user

Quota Used


Amount of disk space in use by the user

User Must Change Password at Next Login


Indicates whether user is required to reset the account password at first log in (Yes or No).  
(See note below.)

Settings Template


Settings Template of the user


For %USER.EXPIRATION_DATE%, %USER.RESET_PASSWORD_AT_FIRST_LOGIN% and %USER.PASSWORD_EXPIRATION%, if the ASM is disabled (not in Activated or Trial state), No or Never is displayed.

Workspaces-Related Variables

The variables below are for use in Event Rules. The Workspaces notifications use different variables.

Text Displayed


Value Contained in Variable

Workspace Virtual Path


Virtual path of the Workspace

Workspace Physical Path


Physical path of the Workspace

Workspace Name


Name of the Workspace Folder

Workspace Participants List


Participants sharing the Workspace

Workspace Owner


Owner of the Workspace

Workspace Owner Email Address


Email address of the owner of the Workspace; the variable is case sensitive when used in the To, Cc, or Bcc fields of email notifications.

Workspace User


Username of the Workspace participant

Workspace User Permissions


User permissions of the Workspace

Workspace User Email Address


User email of the participant

Workspace User Account Exists


Identifies whether the user account exists (or needs to be created)

Transfer Properties Variables

Text Displayed


Value Contained in Variable

Transfer rate


Average speed of transfer (total bytes transferred/total seconds to transfer) Displayed in kilobytes per second (KBps).

Transferred bytes


Total number of bytes in the transfer.

NOTE: By default FTP uses built-in compression (MODE Z); therefore, it is possible for transferred bytes to be less than the file size. Moreover, the values for FTPS, SFTP, and HTTP could differ from file size due to internal compression and protocol overheads.

Transfer seconds


Total number of seconds it took to transfer