File Locations

EFT installs/stores its files in the following locations:

  • Main program files are installed in:
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Globalscape\EFT Server

    • or

    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Globalscape\EFT Server Enterprise

  • Application data. EFT stores its data in a hidden folder named %systemroot%\ProgramData. (To show it in Windows Explorer, click Tools > Folder Options > View tab, click Show hidden files and folders, and then click Apply.)

    • C:\ProgramData\Globalscape\EFT Server

    • or

    • C:\ProgramData\Globalscape\EFT Server Enterprise

  • EFT web files are stored in the following locations:

    • Resource files used to create the Web pages are stored in \contrib\EFTClient

    • Everything necessary for the Web site that is not contained in the resource folder is stored in \public\EFTClient

    • Files used by Web Services are stored in \public\EFTClient\WebServices.

    • When upgrading, previous files are backed up to web/backup/EFTClient

    • Custom files are stored in \custom\EFTClient (empty by default). The EFTClient folder in this directory contains customizations that apply to all Sites on a server. To customize files for the Site, create a directory structure in the form [SiteName]/EFTClient/ in this folder. The Site folder should hold just those files that contain customizations for that Site. The best practice is to have only customized files in this folder and to leave the original files as they were when installed in the \web\public\EFTClient folder. WTC and PTC files can be modified independently.

  • The WTC user folders and files are stored:

    • On non-HA installations, on the EFT computer (e.g., C:\InetPub\EFTRoot\MyGSSite\Usr\).

    • On HA installations, in the shared HA configuration location (e.g., <NAS_drive>\<HA config folder>\InetPub\EFTRoot\MyGSSite\Usr\).