Terms and Conditions

Web Transfer Client (HTML5 version) users can be asked to accept or decline a Terms and Conditions page before continuing to the WTC. It is not available by default.

To enable the Terms and Conditions page

  1. Copy the \EFTClient\ folder from \web\public\ to \web\custom\. (Refer to Customizing the WTC for information about customizations.)

  2. Create a file names terms.html.

  3. Save the file in \web\custom\EFTClient\jument.

To view an example Terms and Conditions file, right-click terms.txt, and then click Save As. You may use this example for your Terms and Conditions page, making sure to review and revise for your company. Be sure to save the file as terms.html in the appropriate folder as explained above.

When creating your terms.html file, you do not need the <html> and <body> tags, because the file will be inserted into a frame in the WTC. You do, however, need to use HTML tags for formatting things like headings, paragraphs, and quotation marks, as shown below:

If you are not familiar with HTML code, Globalscape's Professional Services team offers a range of professional services to complement your product solution.