Event Triggers
EFT includes over 25 different Event triggers, based on the following Event types:
Operating System-related Events, such as a folder’s contents changed or a recurring Timer has executed
Cloud object monitor is similar to Folder Monitor, but is used to monitor folders in your cloud storage
File server-related Events, such as file uploaded or file deleted
Workspaces-related Events, such as User Invited
Secure File Send events, such as Message Not Sent
Server-related Events, such as Server stopped or started
Site-related Events, such as Site stopped or started
User-related Events, such as User Account Locked
Connection-related Events, such as a user connections failed
AS2-related Events, such as the transfer was successfully completed (available only in EFT Enterprise)
Event Rule Subroutine Event
REST Invocation Event
Not all variables are available with every Event trigger. For example, it does not make sense to use the %EVENT.REASON% variable with a File Downloaded Event, but it does make sense with the Upload Failed Event, because EFT can determine the reason for the failure.
Refer to Variables for a description of each variable and caveats (for example, %EVENT.TIME% is not suitable for file naming and %FS.REPORT_FILE% should not be used in email notifications).
Refer to Which Actions can be Added to which Events for details of added Actions to Events.