Status Tab of a Server

The Status tab contains nodes for each Server Group, Server, Site, AS2 transactions, Transfers as Server, Transfers as Client, and each logged-in user.

If you expand the Site node, you can view the connection status for the Site, users, and for AS2 transactions. You can also view transfers to and from an EFT Site. Refer to Viewing Transfers To and From the Site for details.

  • The General tab on the Server > Status tab is used to view the status of the selected server, and the status of the node.

  • The Metrics tab of the Server > Status tab displays metrics from the ARM database. (You must have historical data.)
  • The Dashboard node of the Server > Status tab is a visual display of the service status, active status, and completed transfers.
  • The Site node on the Status tab of the administration interface is used to view the status of the Site and logged-in users, including transfers, when EFT was started, number of users connected, and so on. You can also forcibly disconnect FTP/SFTP users from the Site on this tab.

  • The Transfers - AS2 node is used to view the status of attempted AS2 transactions. For details of viewing AS2 transaction history, refer to AS2 Transaction Auditing and Monitoring.

  • The Transfers - as Server and Transfers - as Client nodes are used to view transfers on the Site. (Real-time client transfers require the Auditing and Reporting module.)

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