Workspace and File Expiration

If you want to expire your Workspace earlier than the limit set by the administrator, you can do so in the Web Transfer Client.

  • If the EFT administrator has enabled link expiration, the ability to download the attachments will expire within the time specified.

  • If the administrator has selected the Retain files after link expiration check box, the temporary Workspace is removed from the virtual file system in EFT, but the files are still available on disk until the "retain files" expiration date. This setting applies to file expiration (separate from link expiration) and affects Drop-Off portal, Send portal, Reply portal, and request-file methods of file delivery.

To expire the Workspace

  1. Select the Workspace (folder) that you want to expire.

  2. On the tool bar, click Edit Workspace.

  3. Specify the date that you want to expire the Workspace.

  4. Click OK.

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