ICIActionStatement Interface

The ICIActionStatement interface allows you to make changes to the Event Rule settings. (See also ICIBackupActionParams - Backup Action Parameters.)

interface ICIActionStatement : ICIEventRuleStatement

Example (VBScript):

If ActionStatement.Action.Type = BackupAction Then
Set BackupParams = ActionStatement.Action.Params
‘ Modify backup parameters and assign them back to the action
‘ . . .
ActionStatement.Action.Params = BackupParams
End If
NOTE: "Function" indicates that the member is a method; "Property" indicates that it is a property.
  • Function Action() As Object

  • Retrieves or specifies the action.

    HRESULT Action([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdispAction);

    EFT v5.2 and later

  • Function FailSection() As Object

  • Retrieves or specifies what occurs if the Event Rule fails.

    HRESULT FailSection([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdispActions);

    EFT v5.2 and later

  • Property type As EventRuleStatementType

  • (read-only); Retrieves or specifies the type of Event Rule statement (action or conditional).

    EFT v5.2 and later